Goku x reader x Broly x Vegeta: Vegeta's ending

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  "I choose... Vegeta" I said as I looked up to see Vegeta's classic smirk on his face as he walked up to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. Goku looked sad but he smiled quickly after he took this rather well, he's not one to hold grudges Broly however was shaking and his power level was growing gigantically by the second! "B-broly are you-" I began to ask but was cut off by Broly as he powered up to super saiyan. Oh boy here we go! Broly punched us as we flew through the wall and on to the hard floor, I stood up only to be kicked down again as Broly's foot was on my chest. He had a sadistic smile on his face as he slowly crushed my body, I screamed in pain as tons blood gushed out of my body "BROLY STOP IT! LEAVE MY WOMEN ALONE!" Vegeta yelled as he flew over to us "one more step prince and I'll crush her like a grape" Broly threatend putting more force down on my body causing me to cry out again. "Broly my son
enough!" Paragus shouted after that I blacked out.


I woke up in a different room, topless but my sports bra was still on thankfully. My body was wrapped in bandages, I tried to sit up but fell back down groaning in pain, I tried again but was gently pushed down by Vegeta. "Lie down you baka, you'll have to deal with your injuries as Kakarot forgot to bring those sensu bean things" he informed me as he joined me in the bed and carefully wrapped his arms round my waist and pulled my crippled body towards him causing to groan in pain again. "Sorry are you ok?" He asked and for the first time in forever he sounded as though he actually cared about someone who wasn't himself."If you don't mind me asking why did you choose me?" He questioned curiously, "Vegeta I chose you because after Planet Vegeta blew up you were always there for me protecting me" I answered, he nodded in understandment. I yawned slightly but tried my hardest to stay awake. "Y/n it's ok if you want to rest I'll still be here when you wake up" he said stroking my cheek as I fell asleep in my prince's arms.  

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