Tien x Reader

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Someone requested this I cant remember who so sorry about that! This was supposed to be uploaded on Monday so yeah sorry bout that. I apologise if this is bad!

Y/N's P.O.V.

The saiyans had finally arrived. Every one except Tien, Chioutzu and Goku were here. The saibamen had already been defeated and we had already lost Yamcha. "So who else wants to die?!" Nappa yelled amusingly, I stepped forward "your more than welcome to try baldy" I teased with a cocky smirk on my face. Before he could do or say anything I punched him in the jaw causing him to take a few steps back, "you bitch! You're gonna regret that!" Nappa growled in anger, he dashed at me and kicked me in the air. I began charging my grim reaper attack, seconds before Nappa reached me the red beam of Ki blasted him into a mountain which shattered like glass. I landed on the ground facing Nappa who was now bloodied and his armour was now cracked, he fired a Ki blast of his own at me but because I didn't see it coming I had no chance to dodge it do I blocked the pure white blast barely. "Y/N! Need a hand?" Tien's voice yelled at me, I nodded and he landed next to me ready to take on Nappa. "No matter what happens I... I *sigh* I need you to know that I love you" Tien mumbled so only I could hear him. I looked at him with a small blush on my face. It's true that I have liked Tien for a while but I never thought that he'd like me back! "Tien I love you too" I told him as his face also became a slight pink. We looked at Nappa with determination and the fight continued.

A couple of broken bones later me and Tien realised that we were no match for Nappa. It didn't really matter as long as Earth don't get destroyed then this fight won't be for nothing! I went to throw another punch at Nappa but he disappeared and reappeared behind me, he punched me and his hand went through my stomach! I crumpled to the ground and looked at Tien who was looking at me in sadness a fear tears rolling down his face. I mouthed 'i loved you' and my vision went black.

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