Gohan x reader LEMON!!!

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  A/n: sorry it took so long to do!

Y/N's p.o.v.

​I was at Gohan's house in his room, revising for a test we had next week, but I couldn't concentrate as I was thinking about my crush on a certain nerd. "Y/N, c'mon you need to concentrate for this test or you're gonna fail again, your not even on the right page!" Gohan scolded me, snapping me out of my thoughts I blushed slightly out of embarrassment as I hid my face hoping Gohan wouldn't notice but of course he did. "Hey Y/N are you alright your face is red do you have a fever?" Gohan asked me sounding worried, "n-no I-I'm fine, we should really get on with this though." I muttered nervously but he still was able to hear me as I began writing notes again, I need to tell Gohan about my crush but if he doesn't like me then what am I gonna do I'll be in love with someone who doesn't love me back I thought to myself or so I thought, "w-what did you say? You l-love me?" I heard Gohan ask me, I looked at him shock written over my face. "d-did I say that o-outl-loud?" I stutterd clearly not meaning for him to hear my confession like that, he just nodded with a huge grin on his face?! "You should of told me Y/N, cause I've wanted to tell you the same thing for a while" he informed as his smile just got bigger, I sighed in relief no longer having to fear about not liking me back. All of a sudden I was dragged out of my thoughts by a soft pair of lips being pushed against mine, I knew it was Gohan, so I kissed back as he climbed on top of me.


I gasped as he bit my lip, giving him the chance to shove his tounge in, leaving nowhere untouched. We fought for dominance, but of course Gohan won as he started to slowly undress himself and I began undressing myself too. A few minutes later we were both nude. Gohan began to kiss my neck untill he found my sweet spot making me moan as he nibbled it and sank his teeth into my neck. I yelped in pain as he did so, he broke away with my blood smeared against his lips, he smiled softly at me as began kissing me passionately as he stuck two of his fingers inside my enterance, I groaned in pain but that was quickly replaced with pleasure as began pumping them inside of me causing me to moan loudly. It was a good thing his parents and younger brother were out or else I'm pretty sure this wouldn't be happening right now. The pleasurable feeling I had faded away as Gohan removed his fingers but replaced them with his pulsing member. I moaned in pain as he entered me as I felt a tear fall down my face which was licked away by Gohan, he started thrusting inside of me making me moan like a bitch. "Gohan...faster p-please" I whimpered needingly, he quickly obliged as I felt nothing but pure bliss, I felt my climax coming as my walls tightend around him. "Gohan, I-I-I'm gon-gonna aghhhh!" I moaned loudly as I climaxed, after a few more thrusts Gohan yelled loudly as he came inside of me as he collapsed ontop of me and rolled over, my head now resting on his head as my eyes slowly closed and a few short seconds later I fell asleep, knowing that no matter what happens now Gohan would be there right beside me.

Gohan's P.O.V.
I watched Y/N as she fell asleep, her head resting on my bare chest, I smiled at her lovingly as I too began to fall asleep but not before noticing a new small Ki coming from within her, making my smile wider as sleep took over me. I'm determined to protect both her and my unborn child no matter what the cost I'll always be there for them! 

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