Broly x Saiyan reader X Goku X Vegeta: Goku's ending

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I apologise for this being so short!

"I choose.... Goku" I said looking at themm all. Vegeta scoffed Goku looked happy but Broly started shaking like he did when we sparing before he... uh oh! "Guys we should probably do something before-" "KAKAROT!" Broly yelled as he was now in super saiyan form. Crap baskets! He punched as we crashed through the wall. He aimed a kick for Vegeta but he dodged it just in time, he fired a ki blast which scraped my shoulder. I gasped slightly as I held it the wound stinging slightly. "BROLY CALM DOWN!" Goku yelled suddenly out of no where Paragus appeared "Broly, stop this" he ordered as something on his wrist glowed. Broly calmed himself and powered down "I'm sorry about this, I hope none of you are hurt too badly" he said to us we all shook heads as that punch didn't do a lot of damage to us.

So after moving to another room for us to sleep in and eating dinner me and Goku layed in the same bed next to each other. I snuggled next to him about to fall asleep, "Y/n if you don't mind me asking, why did you choose me?" He asked I gave it some thought before answering "I chose you Goku because you've been there for me ever since I met you and because of that I love you" I answered before closing my eyes "goodnight y/n" he whispered in my ear"night Goku" I mumbled before letting sleep take over dreaming about my favourite saiyan.

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