Turles x reader LEMON!

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There will be a Lemon in this is chapter! This was requested by GokuYaoi!

A fruit from the tree of might eploded onto you as you and your friend Goku killed Turles and destroyed the tree in the progress. However after you killed him you could still sense his ki but just assumed that it was because it was fading away slowly and thought nothing of it. That decision was a terrible mistake or was it the beginning of something extraordinary?

Y/N's P.O.V. ( Dream in italics!)

I  watched that evil bastard Turles force Gohan transform into the Oozaru as he slaughtered his father and friends! I tried to go and stop him but Turles held me back and broke both of my arms. When Gohan had killed everyone who'd be classed as a threat to Turles' revenge he was killed as his purpose had been filled. Turles turned around with that evil grin  as he crouched down towards me, "I'm coming for you,Y/N and if you don't give me what I want. Then you've already seen what wil happen!" He warned me, chuckling darkly. 

I jolted awake dripping cold sweat, trying to catch my breath as I recovered from yet another horrid nightmare. Ever since the tree of might was destroyed these nightmares have occured, that was a bout a yerar ago now and I was getting very little sleep because of them. Everybody has noticed my tiredness but I refuse to tell them why I'm so tired as they have enough problems as it is, but this was getting out of hand so seeing as I was going to Bulma's tomorrow I'll ask her to check whats going on seeing as she's good with science and all that crap.

Time skip to capsule corp brought to you by SENZU BEAN!

"OK Y/N THAT IS IT! I'M GIVING YOU A CHECK UP NOW IF YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!" Bulma yelled at me whilst dragging me by my FUCKING EAR! "OW OW OW ok ok! No need to drag me bulma" I whined now rubbing my red ear, "Y/N, you've been getting hardly any sleep for MONTHS! We're all just really worried about you, now sit" Bulma ordered concerningly, I sighed as I sat on the doctors bed as Bulma started attaching wires to my head and arm. "Hmmm everything seems normal so far, let's see aha you've been having really bad nightmare?!" Bulma read off her computer "Y/N why didn't you tell us?" She asked "I just... didn't want you guys to woory bout me when you've got your own problems to deal with" I told her honestly. "You idiot. we're your friends it's our job to worry about you, that's what friends are for" she said to me pulling into a comforting which lasted for like two seconds as I fell asleep.

Bulma's P.O.V.

"Uh Y/N?" I asked as this hug was kinda dragging out I looked at her to find that she fell asleep. I laughed quietly as I layed her down and went to get Goku so he could take her home using instant transmission (which I believe he can use now because I think tree of might takes place in the 3 year gap between the android stuff maybe?) I found him in a gravity room by himself again. I swear  this room may as well be his because he refuses to use the other one where very body else is. I knocked on the door just in cas he had the machine on like 2000x gravity or something insane like that, I hope Y/N will be ok and open up to us about this nightmare thing we're all really worried about heck even Vegeta is starting to get concerned about it! Goku turned the machine off and signalled me to enter. "Goku I need you take Y/N home please" I asked of him even though I wasn't giving him a choice, "can't she go home by her-self?" He asked confused, "no because she fell asleep after I found out what was wrong with her which is why I'm asking you to take her home!" I said getting annoyed with him and his small brain, "ok,ok I'll take her home, so what's wrong with her?" Goku asked worriedly, "she's having really bad and vivid nightmares which are only letting get 2 hours sleep max!" I informed him as soon as I finished he used Instant transmission assumingly to take Y/N home.

Goku's P.O.V.

I it'd it to the room where Y/N was sleeping, as I picked her up gently not wanting to wake her up she needs all the rest she can get. I arrived in her bedroom laying her down in bed and pulling the blanket over her so she didn't get cold. I wrote her note and left on her bed-side table for when she woke up."Sleep tight Y/N" I whispered softly as I went back to CC to continue my training in the GR.

Timeskip to you waking up brought to you by Vegeta's pink shirt!

I woke up after having that stupid bad dream again. I looked around to see I was in my bedroom, I also saw a note on my table. You fell asleep at Bulma's so I took you home. Get some rest please! Goku! I heard a dark chuckle come from the corner of my room I looked and saw HIM! "What's wrong Y/N? You look like you've seen a ghost" Turles stated as he walked closer to my bed. I attempted to run out of my room but was grabbed by my wrist and turned to be face to face with Turles. "Ah ah ah Y/N. You're not getting from me that easily" he said flashing that evil grin of his as he pushed me back to my bed and sat next to me. I just stared at him confusingly but what suprised me was the fact that he, he kissed me! He bit my lip causing me to gasp in pain causing my lower lip to bleed as he shoved his tongue into my mouth, I pushed him off me as we catched our breath. But for some reason I wanted him to kiss me.


I pulled him back as he licked the blood off my lips. He laid me on the bed as he took off my shirt which caused me to blush dark red which caused him to smirk into the kiss as he continued undressing me and started undressing himself. He lent back down towards me and started kissing me as our tounges wrestled for domination which caused moans to escape my throat. I felt him insert a finger inside of me as I winced in pain which was quickly replaced with pleasure as he inserted another and satrted pumping them inside of me. As he continued pumping his fingers I felt a kind of pressure in my chest but dissapeared as he took out his finger making me whimper in need which made him chuckle. "I'm doing this becuse I want you" Turles told me as his member entered me. He started thrusting slowly as he kissed my sweet spot on my neck making me moan, he bit neck as I felt his teeth sink in but were gone as quickly as they were there. "F..faster" I begged of him which he did as his thrusts became both faster and harder as the pressure feeling in my stomach came back, "Y-Y/N I'm going t-to..." "s-same." We both moaned loudly in unison as I arched my back and Turles collapsed on top of me. He rolled off me grabbing the blanket over us. "I-I love you Y/N" Turles mumbled as he fell asleep "I love you too Turles" I mumbled back as I snuggled into his chest and for the first time in a year I got some decent sleep!

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