17 X Depressed Android Reader

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A/N: THANK YOU FOR OVER 800 READS!!! It really does mean a lot too me so thank you, anyway this requested by dbz17lover on quotev, so enjoy!

You, 17 and 18 were wished back to life after you were all absorbed by Cell who was then destroyed along with yourselves hence the wishing and all that jazz. Anyway long story short Krillin and 18 got together, had a kid called Marron you and 17 got together but recently your relationship has been... a little weak. This is because you've been having nightmares of 17 leaving you, dying, killing you or Cell somehow coming back to life and absorbing 17. These nightmares have made your life a missery and it's starting to really worry your android boy-friend. Let's see what's going on shall we?

Y/N's P.O.V.

I was standing on a ledge of a cliff battling with myself on what to do. I looked down at my wrist, it was covered with drying oil as I brushed my cold fingers over the scars. It's not like any one would miss me, maybe 17 but he'd forget about me after like a day or two so I wouldn't cause anyone pain if anything I would be making people happier, I lifted my left foot over the edge and pushed my self downwards as I began tilting off the cliff. "NOOO! STOOOOP!" A voice I reconised far too well as a pair of arms pulled me back. 17 cried into my neck which shocked me greatly as he never cried or show any negative emotion he was a guy who kept his cool. "Why? Tell me y/n why would you try to kill yourself?" He asked I opened my mouth but couldn't say anything as the words I wanted to say were caught in my throat, he turned me around so I was facing him I looked into his sky blue eyes which were now blood shot as tears streamed down his face. I hugged him tightly as I too began crying, "I'm sorry" I sobbed into his black shirt as he rubbed my back in a comforting manner, he moved his arm to my injured wrist making me flinch as it began stinging. What was the point of giving us the ability to feel pain if we were created to kill people and reach world domination? He looked at me worriedly and sighed sadly "c'mon lets get you back home and give you senzu" he said to me as planted a soft yet loving kiss on my lips.

17's P.O.V. 

I almost lost her today. I couldn't help but shudder at that thought as I picked her up and flew to CC, I know she could fly but I just felt more protective by carrying her like this I looked down at her to see that she'd fallen asleep she was only 30% android whilst me and my sis were 50, 50. I kissed her head softly as I land at Capsule corp. "You found her? Is she ok?" 18 asked as soon as I stepped throughthe door as eveyone gathered round "yeah she's just fine just tired I told em' as I headed into our room. I layed her down and closed the door, I layed down beside her but then remembered her wrist so I went to get a senzu bean from Krillin, can't believe he got with my sister anyway I took the green bean and headed back to the bedroom. "N/n wakey wakey" I cooed in her ear as she stired, "hey beautiful got you a senzu" I said to her as I popped the green bean in her mouth she ate it reluctantly "I'm not beautiful 17 I'm a worthless android who deserves to be turned into scrap metal!" She hissed at me, I'll be honest it shocked me to hear words like that come from her "ok that's it. What is going on with you y/n? I look for you for hours to find you about to chick yourself on a cliff, you've got cut scars on your wrist and now you're verbally abusing yourself! What the hell is happening with you, please tell me cause you're really beginning to scare me" I begged "I-I uh I've been having nightmares about you er leaving me dying and Cell coming back and taking you away from me" She confessed, I sighed in relief. "You idiot I'm not going anywhere and Cell's dead you saw that kid Gohan kick his ass, I love you too much to ever leave you" I assured her as we layed back down. Seconds later she was fast asleep, I kissed her head before shutting down myself I would never leave her side no matter what I vowed to myself.

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