17 x depressed android reader

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This was requested by DBZ17lover. This a follow up to the previous oneshot I did with 17. This includes self-harming you have been warned!

Y/N's P.O.V.

I jolted awake after another horrifying nightmare, I looked over to 17 and he was still asleep. I went into the bathroom at the side of our room and closed the door, I grabbed a razor from the cabinet the only reason we have them is because I cut myself after realising that I don't deserve such a good boyfriend as 17. I lowered the razor to my left wrist as I began cutting it watching as the brown oil leaked out of my arm. I continued doing so for a few minutes the cuts getting deeper each time but not deep enough to kill me untill I blacked out.

17's P.O.V.

I woke up startled as I heard a thump from the bathroom, I looked in the bed to see that y/n wasn't here. I walked into the bathroom to see what caused the thump only to find my girlfriend on the floor left wrist bleeding immensley! I grabbed the first aid kit from the cabinet and started wrapping her wrist up with bandages, after I did that I carried her to our bed and layed her down back in bed wrapping my arns around her protectively I swore to myself I'd protect myself and I failed miserably. I started crying scared about losing her I sighed silently as I wiped them away and let sleep takeover me.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I woke up in bed with someones arms wrapped around me. I turned around and saw 17 who began to wake up as well. "Good-morning beautiful" he greeted smiling softly at me I just frowned and rolled over. When is he gonna get it in that metal skull of his I am not beautiful, his arms moved lower to my left wrist making me flinch as it began stinging. "When are you going to stop this y/n? It really scares me more than you could ever know" he said as he forcefully rolled me over and pulled me closer to his face I felt a few tears roll down my face which 17 stroked away with his thumb as he pulled me into a comforting hug. "I love you y/n" "I love you too 17."

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