Goku x Reader x Vegeta x Broly: Broly's ending

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This is so short! I'm sorry!

"I choose... Broly" I said. I had made my decision even if I was pressured into it he was the one I wanted to be with. I will not be held responsible for the wreckage of Goku or Vegeta's marriage. Vegeta looked pissed off as ever and walked out slamming the door shut. I sighed sadly now I just lost one of my oldest friends "Don't worry y/n he'll get over it I'll go talk to him and give you two some privacy" Goku said as he walked out of the room also closing the door a lot more silently than Vegeta did. I looked up at Broly he was smiling gently at me, he walked over to me and kissed me softly I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his waist. A few seconds later we broke apart for air. "It's late we should sleep" he whispered into my ear, I nodded as he picked me up making me squeal in suprise slightly. He took me to his room and suprisingly no one saw us. We entered his room and he layed me down on his gigantic bed. He joined me on the soft red sheeted bed. "If you don't mind me asking why did you choose me?" He questioned curiously, I gave some thought before answering. "Broly I chose you because even though we just met you really care for me like when we were training earlier I saw how worried and scared you looked after attacking me, it was an accident yet you still took it very seriously, that's why I chose you Broly because you care about me and I care about you too" I answered, he nodded in understandment. He began stroking my head calming me and lulling me to sleep. A few seconds later I fell asleep dreaming of a certain caring saiyan.

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