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"Have you heard from Nora?" Joe asked.

"Not since she dropped Noelle off," I shook my head, "I don't know if she's planning on picking her up today or tomorrow. I'll call her."

"Okay," Joe nodded.

Joe took Noah from me and I reached for my phone to ring Nora. It rang, and rang, and rang. But there was no answer, it just ended up going to voicemail.

"Do you still have Eric's number?" Joe asked.

"Um, maybe, I think I deleted it," I said, searching my phone.

I went through call history and my contacts and eventually found it. I rang Eric next. Just like Nora's it rang and rang until going straight to voicemail.

"Hm, I don't know. Neither of them picked up," I shrugged.

"Okay, well don't worry about it," Joe assured me, "Come on, let's go out for a bit. It'll make a change from these four walls."

"Okay," I nodded.

I ran a brush through my hair and slipped on a pair of booties before helping Joe get everyone ready to go out. I buckled Noah in his baby carrier and Joe put Noelle's rain jacket on as it has started raining outside.

Locking the door behind us, we made our way to Joe's car. Noah started crying in the car, I think he's hungry, so once we arrived I got him a bottle out of the bag.

"Shh," Noelle said to Noah as he cried.

"Aw darling. He's just hungry," Joe laughed lightly.

Joe got the pushchair from the boot of the car and buckled Noelle in as I put Noah in the baby sling.

"ThatcherJoe?!" A girl squealed as she came over to us.

We hadn't even been in the shop for a minute before a group of girls surrounded us, asking for selfies.

"Who is the little girl?" One of the fans asked.

"We're just babysitting," Joe smiled.

Noelle looked more or less confused by what was going on, whereas, Noah just laid his head against my chest and watched silently.

Noelle looked at me and then Joe and back at the crowd of girls before starting to cry.

"Mummy!" Noelle cried loudly.

"Aw, Noelle, it's okay," Joe comforted her, "Bye, bye," He waved off as we walked away from the fans.

"Mummy!" Noelle cried.

Joe stopped and crouched down next to Noelle in the pushchair.

"Mummy will be back soon. Don't worry," Joe smiled.

"No!" Noelle screamed, throwing a tantrum now.

"I don't know what to do," Joe huffed, looking up at me.

"Um, I don't know either," I shrugged, "Try carrying her."

Joe unbuckled Noelle and carried her on his hip, giving her the blankie to hold.

"No!" Noelle cried, kicking her legs.

"It's okay love," Joe said softly and quietly.

I feel bad for Noelle. She's been dropped off with us, people she hasn't met since she was born and doesn't know, and she doesn't know where her mum or dad is, or when they're coming back.

"Here Noelle, I've got a snack, yeah?" I suggested, getting her attention as I handed her a packet of cookies.

Noelle took the packet of cookies and calmed down a bit, enough for Joe to buckle her back in the pushchair. He opened the cookies for her and she messily ate them as we wandered around the shop.

"Having two babies is hard work," Joe huffed.

"Well, Noelle doesn't know us and is probably confused, so," I explained, "And they're really close together in age."

"True. Her behaviour makes Noah look like an angel," Joe joked.

"I think he's a bit confused too to be honest," I laughed as we both looked at Noah who was casually looking around the shop, but smiled at Joe.

We did a bit of shopping and stopped at the market on the way home for some groceries. Ever since her small breakdown in the shop, she's been fine. Although she can almost walk, she prefers being held, which definitely takes a toll on Joe's and I's backs, but it's alright.

"Up!" Noelle shouted in the market, raising her hands up.

"Come here," I smiled, lifting her up and Joe then buckled Noah in the pushchair.

Noelle dropped her blankie and Joe picked it up for her just to drop it again and giggle at Joe having to keep pick it up for her.

"Ah, you think this is funny, huh?" Joe laughed picking it up again.

Noelle kept giggling as she dropped it as we walked around the market and Joe would pick it right back up for her.

"Hold on to it now," Joe smiled as he buckled Noelle in the carseat.

Noelle nodded her head and wrapped her arms tight around her blankie as Joe closed the door. I finished buckling Noah in and then got in the car and Joe drove us back to my flat.

"Hello?" I said, answering my phone.

"Hello, is this Minx?" An american man's voice asked.

"Um, yes. May I ask whom I am talking to?"

"Yes, this is Detective Collins in New York. I am investigating a case in regards to Nora and Eric Smith."

"Investigating? What's happened?"

"That's what we are trying to figure out. Now, from searching through Mrs. Smith's phone, you are watching over her daughter, Noelle?"

"Yes. But can you tell me what has happened and what you are investigating?" I asked, a bit harshly.

Joe gave me a puzzled look as we pulled up to my flat.

"Ma'am, I am only allowed to say so much. But, I will be sending some of my employees to you in London, and they will have to ask you a few questions and will fill you in on what has happened a bit."

"Uh, okay? Are they at least okay?" I asked.

"No ma'am. They're not," Detective Collins said solemnly before hanging up.

I put the phone down and Joe was already getting out of the car and carrying Noah and the baby bag.

"Is everything okay?" Joe asked.

"We'll talk in a moment," I said, a bit stumned.

I got out and carried Noelle inside. Joe got her entertained with some toys and Noah played in his baby bouncer.

"Minx, what's happened?" Joe asked as we went into my room.

"I'm not sure. That was a detective on the phone. Detective Collins from New York."


"Something about Nora and Eric and they're not okay?" I shrugged, "The detective is sending some people over here to talk to us."

"Oh, wow," Joe nodded.

"I'm really worried," I shook my head.

"Baby, don't worry. I don't know what's happened, but it'll be alright," Joe assured, giving me a kiss.

"Mhm," I agreed.

Wrapping his arms around my waist, Joe deepened the kiss.

"Joe," I giggled as he grabbed my bum.

"Shh," Joe smiled.


a/n: hi! I hope you all like it so far! love you all loads! thanks for reading! X.

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