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*warning: smut*


"Minxie, sex is considered working out, the doctor gave you the go for working out, and sex is working out, so..." Joe smirked.

"I know, you have a point, but I haven't even started working out, so," I laughed, giving him a kiss, "Anyway, I have to go pick up the kids in a bit."

"Maybe tonight," Joe smiled.

"We'll see," I grinned, going into the girls' room to pick up Ava who was crying, "Aw, darling, what's wrong?" I cooed.

Ava just cried so I sat down on the sofa and fed her.

She soon calmed down and rested in my arms once she was done.

"Is Ozzy still asleep?" I asked Joe.

Joe went and checked on him before coming back into the livingroom.

"Yeah, fast asleep," Joe nodded.

"That boy is just like you, loves to sleep," I laughed.

I looked at the time and passed Ava to Joe so I could go pick up Noah and Noelle from school.

The drive to the school was peaceful and quiet, which was awesome. I've missed this small time of proper relaxation. 

I waited outside their classrooms with the other parents waiting for school to get out. 

"Mummy!" Noah smiled, giving me a hug.

"Hi darling, how was school?" I asked, picking him up, "You're so big!"

"Good! I made this!" He smiled, handing me a watercolour painting. 

"That's amazing, we'll have to put it on the fridge at home," I smiled.

"Mummy!" Noelle smiled, giving me a hug.

"Hi darling, how are you?"

"Good, school is boring! I'd rather be at home and help with Ozzy and Ava!" She said.

"I know, but you're learning so much here," I smiled, as we walked back to the car.

I put Noah down and they each held my hand as we crossed the car park to the car.

"How's Dad, Ozzy, and Ava?" Noelle smiled, buckling up in the car.

"They're all good," I nodded, "You'll see them in a few minutes."

I drove them home as they told me all about their days at school. 

"Dad!" Noelle cheered, dropping her backpack by the door and giving Joe a hug.

"Hi 'Elle! Hi Noah!" Joe smiled, giving them both hugs.

"Hey, come pick up your backpacks, you know they don't belong here," I said.

They picked up their bags and put them on the hooks by the door.

"Do you have any homework?" I asked them.

"I have a sheet from maths," Noelle groaned, "But I don't understand it."

"I don't have any! I did it all in class!" Noah teased.

"I can help you, go and get it now so then you can play for the rest of the day," I said.

I helped Noelle do her maths worksheet, and she did really well. 

"See, you do understand," Joe smiled, carrying Ozzy.

Once she finished, she joined Noah playing with Ava, who was her in small baby cradle. 

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