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"Okay, let's go Noah," I smiled, getting ready to leave the house. 

I am taking Noah to go get a hair trim before Joe and I leave for our short getaway tonight. Joe is going to stay at home with Noelle and Ava, and I'm taking the boys with me. 

"We shouldn't be too long," I said, giving Joe a small kiss on the cheek before leaving.

"Okay, have fun," Joe smiled, rocking Ava as she cried and fussed for no apparent reason.

Ozzy was in the baby carrier and I carried him to the car and buckled him up and Noah got in and buckled himself up to.

I drove us to the hair salon and we went in and Noah was seated with the hair stylist.

"So what're we thinking about doing? A small trim? Big cut?" He asked.

"I think we just want a small trim, it's just getting a bit too long, maybe like shoulder length?" I suggested.

"No, I want to cut it all off," Noah shook his head, "I want it to look like Dad's!"

"Really?! Are you sure?" I asked, a bit shocked.

"Yeah!" Noah nodded.

Ozzy started getting fussy in the baby carrier so I held him and held him on my hip.

"Okay, if you're sure darling," I said.

"I can cut it off bit by bit so if you decide you like it at any in between stage we can stop there, okay?" The stylist smiled.

"Okay," I nodded.

"But what does your Dad's hair look like?" He smiled to Noah.

"Mummy, can you show him a picture?" Noah smiled as he started spraying Noah's hair down and brushing it out.

I showed him a picture of Joe for him to eventually model off of.

"Dad's going to be shocked," I smiled.

"It'll be a surprise!" Noah grinned excitedly.

"Oh God, you're going to look even more like him," I shook my head laughing.

"I can see. From the picture, you're a spitting image of your dad," The stylist agreed, starting to cut Noah's hair.

After a while, Noah had decided to cut off most of his hair and had a similar hair cut to Joe's, longer on the top and shorter on the sides, or an undercut, kinda.

I can understand why some mum's wouldn't let their six-year old son decide what to do with their own hair, but it's just hair so it'll grow back and as long as he doesn't look like a complete fool I'm not too bothered. It allows him to learn to make his own decisions and therefore, become comfortable and confident in himself.

"You look so good," I smiled, taking a picture of him sat in the car with a huge grin on his face.

"It's a big difference, but I think it suits you," The stylist grinned happily, taking off the apron-type cover and dusting Noah's neck off.

We paid the stylist and then headed back home.

"Do you think 'Elle will like it?" Noah asked a bit worried.

"Of course she will!" I assured him.

We got home and I carried Ozzy inside and Noah walked ahead, excited to show Noelle and Joe his new haircut.

"D.amn! It looks good!" Joe smiled as we walked inside, "I thought you just wanted to cut a little bit off?!"

"He changed his mind once we got there," I shrugged, smiling.

"Do you like it?" Noah asked.

"Wow! Noah, you look so cool!" Noelle grinned.

Joe had Noah take a selfie with him and posted it on Instagram.

"You two are literally identical," I shook my head.

"He has your lips though," Joe pointed out.

"Okay, but all lips pretty much look the same," I laughed.

"Well I think the twins look more like you," Joe shrugged.

"Yeah, but they're still little. Anyway, have you finished packing yet?" I asked Joe.

"Not quite."

"Joe! We leave in a couple of hours," I laughed.

"I know, I'm going to go finish right now," Joe laughed.

I carried Ava on my hip as Joe carried Ozzy and we went into our room so Joe could finish packing. Noelle and Noah followed us through too and spent time with us.

"Mummy, I don't want you to go," Noah whined, pouting.

"Aw, darling, you'll have so much fun with Sydney that you won't even realise that we're gone. Anyway, we can Facetime on your iPads," I smiled.

"I know," He whined.

I gave him a hug and cuddled with him and Noelle on the bed.

Joe and I completely finished packing and our bags were by the door and we were ready to go, just spending time with the kids before we had to leave. My mum had come around to pick up the twins and Joe and I had packed pretty much everything they would need and it took a few trips to the car to get everything they would need. She would need the push-chair, baby carriers, clothes, nappies, food, formula, wipes, dummies, etc. She then buckled them up and we said good-byes and they were fast asleep and my mum took them back to her and James' house.

Sydney then arrived and had her bags with her to stay here for the long weekend. We had left her money for food and any emergency problem or whatever could possibly happen and we promised to pay her once we returned. 

It was then time to say bye to Noelle and Noah, who were now thankfully excited to see Sydney and hang out with her to be too worried about us leaving.

"Thank you again!" I said graciously.

"No problem! We're going to have so much fun!" Sydney smiled, holding Noah on her hip.

"He's so big, you can put him down," I laughed.

Sydney put him down only for him to want to ride on Sydney's back, so she gave him a piggy-back ride. We gave the kids big hugs and kisses and scheduled times to Facetime with them before they go to bed each night.

We then got an Uber to the airport to meet up with everyone. 

"I'm so excited, I am a bit worried about the kids though, not going to lie," I confessed to Joe, holding his hand as we walked through the airport to find everyone.

"I am a bit worried too, but that's just because we're parents and it's what we are supposed to do. We're going to have so much fun and so are the kids."

"Minxie! Broseph!" Zoe smiled excitedly, giving us hugs as we joined up with them.

"Zoe!" I grinned, "How are you?" I smiled, glancing down at her stomach.

"Oh ya'know, I'm okay," She grinned.

We gave hugs to everyone before we all went and checked in our luggage and went through security and waited by our gate. We talked and caught up with everyone before going and eating something in one of the restaurants while waiting for our flight. Thankfully there weren't that many fans in the airport, so we were only stopped as a group a few times for pictures. Finally it was time for the plane to start boarding and we went to get in line to board the plane. 

Once everyone was seated, we were finally ready to take off and Joe held my hand and gave me a small kiss before we took off and headed to Greece.


a/n: hi! thank you for reading! hope you're enjoying it. i felt like there was too much going on for a bit & i like it when everyone is happy in the story so I'm going to continue with this for a bit & almost refresh their relationship to be like when they were younger- hence why they're going on holiday without the kids! Anyway, thank you soooo much for reading!! Love you all loads & loads & loads! X  

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