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"Shh, Mummy's still asleep," I heard as I woke up.

"Hm?" I mumbled, turning over in bed, properly waking up.

Joe got back into bed with me and Noelle laid between us and Joe held Noah.

"G'morning," Joe smiled.


I took Noah from Joe and cradled him as I woke up more.

Noah reached for my hair and played with some strands.

"Noah," I giggled, moving my hair behind my back.

Joe reached for his laptop and edited a vlog to upload.

"Wait," I laughed, looking under the blanket to see if Joe's wearing pants, only because of our conversation last night.

"Hey! Don't worry!" Joe laughed, "I put on underwear."

"Okay," I giggled.

"Anyway, you're only wearing a shirt," Joe laughed.

"P.iss off," I laughed.

I held my shirt down to cover my bum as I got up to get a pair of leggings from the closet.

"Let's get some breakfast, yeah?" I suggested, picking Noah up.

"Yeah," Joe nodded, picking up Noelle.

Carrying Noah out, I put him in his highchair as Joe and I started making breakfast. Joe fed Noelle some yoghurt and gave her fruit to eat as I made Joe and I an actual breakfast. Whereas, Noah, of course, had a bit of baby food and a bottle.

"Minxie," Joe smirked, coming up behind me and pinching my bum as I put some eggs on the stove.

"You're gonna burn yourself," I laughed lightly, warning Joe of the hot stove.

"No, I won't," Joe assured, wrapping his arms around me.

I smiled, turning around in his arms to give him a kiss.

"I love you," I grinned.

"I love you too, Minxie," Joe kissed me again.

Joe's hands ran up and down my body.

"Not now... The eggs are burning now," I laughed.

"Not even," Joe scoffed, pinching my bum before getting us plates out.

Noah giggled and threw his bottle from the highchair, waving his arms and legs as he giggled.

"What's got you so happy?" Joe smiled, poking Noah's nose happily, making him giggle more.

Noelle played along in her highchair too, hitting her hands on the tray playfully and bouncing herself.

"Alright now!" I laughed, plating up Joe's and I's breakfast.

"Aw, Mummy's a party-pooper!" Joe laughed, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Am not! And you are so touchy-feely this morning, aren't you?" I smiled, shaking my head.

"Whatever," Joe shook his head, sitting down to eat with me, "I need to film a main channel video today, is that alright?"

"Of course!" I nodded.

As Joe and I ate, both Noelle and Noah became a bit fussy, wanting down from their highchairs. I stopped eating for a second and got them down. Putting Noelle on the ground by her toys and holding Noah on my lap as I finished eating.

"No, Noah," Joe warned as he reached and hit my plate playfully.

Noah did it again, a huge smile on his face.

JOE 2 (Joe Sugg Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now