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I just had a feeling it was going to be a picture of Rory on the screen.

The police officer lead us back to the office to watch the footage.

"Oh s.hit," I breathed, watching the video of him taking my babies.

"Minx, what the h.ell?!" Joe said.

"It's Jack," I breathed.

I quickly reached for my phone and dialed his number, only to not get an answer.

"F.uck," I cried.

"Do you know where he lives?" The police officer, whose named plate read Jones, asked.

I nodded and he explained to me that he was going to take us there and have his colleagues meet us over there.

We got in his car and I directed him to where Jack's apartment is.

"Police! Open the door!" Jones yelled, pounding on Jack's door.

More officers arrived and together they broke open Jack's front door and rushed in. 

"They're not here, it doesn't look like they even came back here," Jones said into his radio on his shoulder.

"Then where are they?!" I panicked.

Jones put his hand up to silence me as he listened to his radio as another police officer spoke to him through it.

"Okay, sorry, our next step is to take you both down to the station to get an official case on Jack and find a motive for all of this," He explained, "I know you are worries, but it's important that you stay calm. From what we know and can see, it does not seem Jack has the intent of hurting the children, but only to cause worry and chaos. Obviously I cannot promise this, but all signs point to that."

"Okay," I cried.

Joe put his arm around as we walked back down to the car and Jones drove us down to the station.

"Why the h.ell did he do this?" I cried to Joe.

"Shh, it'll be okay, we'll get our babies back soon," Joe assured, squeezing my hand.

"I'm so f.ucking done with all of this. First Rory, then Eric, now f.ucking Jack," I shook my head.

Joe didn't say anything, just put his arm around me.

"This is literally all of my fault, I don't know why I can't just be faithful and not a f.ucking s.lut and none of this would have ever happened. I just want to see 'Elle and Noah and know that they're okay," I cried, holding onto Joe.

"Minx, stop beating yourself up about this, it's not your fault," Joe hummed.

Joe and I were interviewed by a different officer, asking questions about Jack and our past and what-not. I felt horrible for Joe having to hear all of this, as it all started as an affair, and that's all it ever was. Of course I don't think it would have progressed as much if it wasn't for me asking Jack to take the paternity test.

I explained everything to the officer, how we met, our relationship, how he met the kids a couple of times, and everything about us. Joe didn't say much except rolled his eyes a couple of times and huffed and puffed a bit.

"Joe, I'm sorry," I shook my head, holding his hand.

"Minx, just tell the officer everything we need to know to get the kids back," Joe said plainly.

"Joe, please," I said, my voice quivering.

"Minx, goddammit, just talk to the officer so we can get our kids back," Joe snapped.

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