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"Do you mind if I vlog today?" Joe asked as I woke up and sat up in bed.

"Yeah, no problem," I nodded.

Joe grabbed his camera and I made sure that my chest was fully covered by the blanket before Joe started vlogging.

"Good morning," Joe smiled, pointing the camera at himself, "So, I'm just vlogging today because we're going to be hanging out and running errands and I wanted to bring you all along."

Joe held the camera above us as he continued vlogging and I rested my head on his chest, closed my eyes, and just listened.

Joe got up from the bed and started wandering around the room, making sure that no mirrors were behind him like he did in a hotel once a long while ago.

I grabbed my phone and went on my phone for a bit while Joe paced back and forth, rambling on into the camera. 

He signed off for now and I got up and put some clothes on. Joe slid on a pair of underwear and we went out to the living room to see the kids already up and watching the television.

"Dad, when are we going to see Sydney again?" Noelle asked, jumping off the sofa in her small princess nightdress.

"Oh, um, I'm not sure honey, we'll have to see," Joe nodded.

"We're matching!" Noah giggled to Joe as he ran around in his underwear also.

"Oh no!" I laughed.

Joe handed me his phone and they stood side by side, Noah following Joe's pose of putting both their hands in front of their crotches and looked straight at the camera.

"Oh my, the resemblance is ridiculous," I laughed as I took the picture.

"Look how good we look," Joe laughed to Noah.

"I want to be as tall as you!" Noah said.

"You will be," Joe smiled.

Joe edited and uploaded the picture on Instagram, partnering it with some witty caption.

"Aw, look at my boys," I smiled, liking the picture.

Comments and likes were already flooding Joe's Instagram picture and I gave them a quick read, which it was just full of compliments, admiration, or spam.

Joe continued vlogging with the kids around, both of which are fans of being in front of the camera, mostly Noelle.

Somehow, Noelle ended up with holding Joe's vlogging camera and started to pretend vlogging herself, wandering around, or more of running away from Joe, and chatting into the camera.

"I'm seven years old and- ah! Dad!" She squealed running from Joe as he tried to snatch the camera back.

"'Elle!" Joe laughed, scooping her up and tickling her until he got the camera from her.

"Mummy," Noah smiled, sitting on the sofa with me, leaning against me as we both watched Joe and Noelle mess around with the camera.

"Yes, darling?"

"I love you," He smiled, as I wrapped my arm around him.

"I love you too baby," I smiled.

"I'm not a baby," He giggled.

"You'll always be my baby," I smiled, giving him a kiss on the top of the head.

"Mummy! Save me!" Noelle giggled, jumping on Noah and I to get away from Joe, only for him to catch her again.

"'Elle!" Noah said upset that she jumped on us.

"It's okay, her and Dad are just playing around," I smiled, putting my arm around him.

JOE 2 (Joe Sugg Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now