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*smut, kinda*


"Minxie, good morning," Joe said quietly, as I woke up.

"I'm sorry about last night," I apologised, "I know you didn't mean it."

"No, I'm sorry Minxie. I was wrong and shouldn't have brought it up," Joe said guiltily.

"Trust me though, Damon is an innocent guy. When we were together all we ever did was hold hands and kiss on the cheek or a small peck on the lips," I laughed lightly.

"Okay baby. I know. It doesn't matter anyway, I trust you," He nodded.

I leaned forward to give him a kiss.

"I love you, even if we squabble sometimes," I smiled.

"Mm, Minxie, I love you too," Joe grinned, moving above me as we continued kissing.

Joe straddled me and motioned to pull off my pyjama top leaving me in just my knickers.

"Joe," I breathed as he kissed my neck.

I sat up and moved to take off Joe's shirt and underwear.

"Baby," Joe smiled, reaching down and caressing my inner thigh and taking off my knickers.

I let out a small moan of frustration as Joe teased me by purposely not touching me.

"Joe," I pleaded.

"Shh, Minxie," He smirked, leaning down and finally touching me.

Joe gently inserted two fingers and littered a few kisses.

"F.uck, Joe," I moaned quietly, running my hand through his hair.

Joe stopped, smirking, as he moved up to give me a kiss. I sat up and reached down to take his length in my hand, gently stroking it.

"Lay down baby," Joe hummed, hovering above me again.

"O-oh, J-Joe," I moaned as he gently thrusted his hips to meet mine.

"F.uck," Joe groaned, stopping to reach in the drawer for a condom.

I nodded, watching Joe as he quickly put on the condom before leaning down to give me a kiss.

"Please," I smiled, biting my lip, wanting Joe.

He let out a small laugh before positioning himself and thrusting his hips.

"F.uck," I cursed, loudly moaning from pleasure.

Joe sucked on my neck, almost sure to leave a love-bite.

"Dada!" Noelle cried through the baby monitor.

"S.hit," Joe huffed.

"God d.amn it," I breathed, frustrated from having to stop mid-way.

Joe sat up and I wrapped myself up in a robe before going to get Noelle, and now Noah, who were crying in their rooms.

"Mummy's here," I breathed, picking Noelle up out of her cot and putting her on the ground to toddle out of her room as I followed and went into Noah's room and picked him up.

"Dada!" Noelle giggled as Joe came out of our room in a pair of sweatpants, his erection still evident.

"Morning darling," Joe smiled slightly.

I soothed Noah until he stopped crying and then put him in his highchair before going into kitchen and starting to get the kids breakfast.

"Sorry we got interrupted," Joe apologised, kissing the side of my neck and grinding his hips against my bum.

JOE 2 (Joe Sugg Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now