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"So what if you're girly or like boys, that doesn't matter baby, you do whatever you want, okay?" I hummed.

"Mhm," Noah shrugged, "But I-I don't like boys."

"Okay, that's fine," I shrugged.

We got home and we went inside and the kids went to lay down as Joe and I talked in the kitchen.

"This is ridiculous," I huffed, shaking my head.

"I think we should homeschool him," Joe said flatly.

"But he needs the social aspect of school. He has a few good friends and I don't want him to be anymore socially awkward."

"He's not socially awkward," Joe shook his head.

"Okay, but he's not the most outgoing," I agreed.

"Yeah, but I don't want him to be bullied like this either," Joe said.

"Joe, I don't want that either, I don't know what to do," I shook my head, getting a bit frustrated.

"I don't know either," Joe breathed.

"Mummy, my ice pack is melted," Noelle said.

"Here, let me have a look at your arm," I smiled, crouching down and looking at her arm.

There was a bruise along her upper arm and on her elbow, but she'll be fine.

"Aw, it looks okay, you'll be okay," I smiled, giving her a small kiss before throwing away the melted bag of ice down the sink and throwing the plastic in the bin.

Joe went and checked on Noah and I followed behind. He was just watching the television and holding an ice pack to his eye.

"Hey Noah," Joe smiled, sitting next to him and pulling him on his lap, "Let me see your eye."

Joe looked at Noah's eye and the swelling has gone down a bit and it's just bruised.

"Does it hurt still?"

"No, I don't think so," Noah shook his head, gently poking around his eye.

"Well, don't touch it, just let it heal," Joe guided him.

"Okay," Noah nodded, cuddling up to Joe.

I excused myself to go to the bathroom.

"Joe!" I yelled as I sat down on the toilet.

Joe came running in.

"Joe, I'm bleeding," I said, shocked.

"S.hit," Joe shook his head.

I don't know what to think. I can't lose my babies. Why am I bleeding?

"Joe, this can't happen," I cried.

"Minxie, it's okay, we don't know what this means exactly yet. We'll go to the hospital," Joe said flustered.

"I'll call my mum," I said, getting up and getting my phone, "She can come and watch the kids."

I called my mum and she quickly came over after I explained to her what was happening. 

"Mum, I'm scared, what if I lose my babies," I cried as she arrived.

"Minx, don't think like that, you'll be okay. There's a lot of reasons you could be bleeding. Just go to the hospital, I'll take care of the kids," My mum smiled.

Joe and I rushed down to the hospital and went to the emergency room and thankfully we didn't have to wait in the long line and they instantly had me see a doctor.

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