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"Are you sure that you're okay watching them?" I asked, as Oli took Noah.

"They'll be fine, anyways we have your numbers if we need you," Oli nodded.

"Thank you," I grinned.

"Go have fun!" Caspar said loudly, playing with Noelle.

"Okay!" I grinned, "Oh, and they have everything they would need in the baby bag."

"Okay," They nodded.

"Thanks mates," Joe smiled as we left.

Walking back to the car, Joe had his hand on the small of my back.

"Where to now?" I asked.

"Dinner," Joe grinned.

I nodded my head as Joe drove towards the restaurant he chose.

"Yay, I've been craving Chinese food again!" I laughed as he pulled up to the restaurant.


"No! Just as in I'm hungry for it!" I laughed.

The last time I was craving Chinese food was when I was pregnant with Noah and Joe would always come here.

"Oh God!" Joe laughed, relieved.

"Come on!" I laughed, holding his hand as he lead us inside.

After an amazing meal, I was absolutely full and Joe and I decided to walk around for a bit before going to pick up the kids as it has already gotten late. We had spent a while talking after we ate.

"I can't believe Noah is already over seven months old," I groaned.

"Oh my God, I know, it's ridiculous how time flies," Joe breathed.

We talked about the kids as we made our way back to the car before heading back to Caspar's flat.

"Back already?! We were just having fun!" Caspar gushed as he carried Noelle on his shoulders.

"Dada!" Noelle screeched.

"The neighbours are going to kill you," Joe laughed lightly.

"Nah, they've both been really good," Caspar nodded.

"I tried to change Noah's diaper, I don't know if I did it right, but I tried and it's staying on," Oli shrugged as I took Noah from him.

"Oh God! Thank you though!" I grinned, giving Oli and Caspar both a small hug.

"Anything for you two!" Caspar laughed cheekishly.

"P.iss off!" Joe laughed.

Giving the boys another hug, Joe and I were on our way back to the flat and Noelle and Noah were almost asleep in the back. Noah was actually fast asleep, whereas, Noelle was still drifting off.

"Dada," She mumbled quietly.

"Yes darling?" Joe hummed as he drove, sitting up a bit straighter to look at her in the rear-view mirror.

Noelle didn't say anything else, just slowly drifted to sleep.

"I love you Minxie," Joe hummed, putting his hand on my thigh as he drove.

"I love you too," I grinned.

Pulling up to the flat, Joe and I carried in Noah and Noelle and I changed Noelle into her pyjamas gently before laying her in the cot.

"Mummy," Noelle cooed, reaching for me.

"Shh, I'm right here baby," I hummed.

I leaned on the side of her cot, gently pushing her hair out of her face as she fell asleep. As soon I was sure she was fast asleep, I left the room and joined Joe in our room.

JOE 2 (Joe Sugg Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now