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"No, she's not awake yet. I know, we'll be okay... No, the kids are at Diane and James' house... Yeah, they will probably stay the weekend there... Okay, talk to you later. I'll keep you posted. Love you too, bye," I heard Joe faintly.

"Hm?" I mumbled, just coming to.

"Minxie? How are you baby?!" Joe asked.

"Hm? I'm alright, I think," I nodded as the nurse walked in.

"Mrs. Sugg, how are you feeling?"

"Okay," I nodded.

"You will probably feel a bit sore for a while and be careful of your stitches. We still have you on some pain medication right now, but we are going to try and ease you off of it soon to see how you feel," She explained.

"Wait, the babies?" I asked worried.


"No, no, please," I shook my head crying, "Tell me they're okay."

"Minx, they're okay," Joe nodded, "Well hopefully they will be."

"Your ultrasound doctor should be fired," The nurse laughed lightly, "You were just six months along by the looks of it."

"When can I see them? Hold them?" I asked.

"You probably won't be allowed to hold them for a few days at least. The doctors are still running tests and making sure they are stable. We will bring them in here as soon as we can," She smiled before leaving the room.

"You were so good," Joe smiled, holding my hand.

"What do they look like?" I asked.

"Beautiful, well, kind of wrinkly and small," Joe joked.

"Joe!" I smiled weakly.

"They're good," Joe nodded.

"We haven't even thought of names," I shook my head.

"Wait until you see them then we can decide," Joe nodded.

I looked at my phone and noticed it was already the beginning of the afternoon of the next day. I scrolled around on my phone for a bit while Joe said he was going to run down to the hospital's cafeteria to get us both some food. 

"Mrs. Sugg, we have the results from your test yesterday," The nurse said walking in.

"Already? Okay," I nodded.

"So the results came back negative, so he is not the father of the babies," She nodded.

"Thank God," I huffed, relieved.

"Okay, so we will be bringing the babies in in a few minutes," She smiled before walking away.

I grabbed my phone and quickly texted Jack.

"Test came back negative. Joe's the father. Thank you for coming and taking the test for me."

Jack almost instantly replied.

"Phew! Good! Haha. Hope everything's well. Ttyl."

I deleted the conversation on my phone and put my phone down as Joe got back.

"You alright Minxie?" Joe asked, putting some food on the small table next to my bed.

"Yeah, I love you," I smiled.

"I love you too," He smiled, sitting on the chair next to my bed and holding my hand.

After a few minutes, the babies were brought in, or wheeled in, in their small little plastic incubator-type beds.

JOE 2 (Joe Sugg Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now