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"Uncle Caspar is coming over today!" I smiled to the kids.

"Are you and Dad filming a video today?" Noelle asked.

"Yeah, we're finally telling the internet that I'm pregnant," I smiled.

"How do they not know already!" Noah said cheekily, patting my big stomach.

I'm already 16 weeks along, so four months, and Noah's right, my stomach is quite big to say the least. I have been extremely exhausted, so I haven't been going out much, other than to drop the kids off at school, and most times they lean in the car to give me a kiss and I don't bother getting out. Joe has been really good for me, helping out a lot with the kids and everything else in general. We had another ultrasound appointment yesterday and thankfully the twins were in good enough positions to see their sex, and to the kids' excitement it's a boy and a girl.

"Oi," I laughed, "I know, and it's only going to start getting bigger and bigger!"

The doorbell rang and I went to get it.

"Caspar," I smiled, welcoming him in and giving him a hug.

"Minx! Oh my God!" Caspar smiled, looking at my stomach.

"I know, it's huge," I laughed.

"You look really good though," Caspar nodded, "I'm surprised everyone doesn't know already."

"I've been too tired to leave the house," I laughed, "Anyway, come in, make yourself comfortable."

Caspar hasn't been over in a while, but the kids love him and have definitely missed him.

"Are you two excited for your brother and sister?!" Caspar asked Noah and Noelle.

They both cheered and continued talking with Caspar and followed him into Joe's and I's room, where Joe was setting everything up.

"Hey Casp," Joe smiled.

"Hey buddy," Caspar grinned, giving him a hug.

We all chatted for a bit before starting to film. Joe did his intro and introduced me. He was going to just do a Q&A with me and then at the end announce the babies.

"Okay, question number one, 'When and where did you guys meet?'" Caspar read off.

"Um, well, I went for an interview with Caspar and her step-dad owns the company and she was there and we just hit it off, with help from Caspar," Joe smiled, "But I'll link the video down below of when we were dating and did the Boyfriend/Girlfriend tag."

"Okay, 'What's the hardest part about being married?'"

"Hm, the hardest part about being married? Probably just knowing that marriage takes work from both sides, it's not just rainbows and sunshine all of the time," I smiled.

"Yeah, it does take a lot of work, but it's worth it," Joe smiled happily.

"Aw," I grinned.

"S'cute," Caspar smiled from behind the camera, "'Does Noelle know she's adopted?'"

"Yeah, she knows," Joe nodded.

"'What's changed after you decided to have kids?'" Caspar asked, continuing to read them off his phone.

"A lot," I laughed.

"Yeah," Joe nodded, "Well, we definitely don't party as much, or ever really."

"Yeah, and I think we've learned to balance everything a bit better, life, kids, love life, etc.," I nodded.

"'Why don't you have any pets?'"

"Life is too stressful as it is," Joe laughed.

"Yeah," I nodded in agreement.

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