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After eating, Adelaide and Bill introduced us to another couple, Louis and Melody.

"You're ThatcherJoe, correct?" Melody smiled.

"Yeah, that's me," Joe smiled, extending his hand to shake hers.

"Who?" Louis asked.

"Lou, a famous YouTuber. How many subscribers now, two million?"

"Almost six million," Joe nodded.

"Wow! See Louis, he puts videos on YouTube and earns money from them," Melody explained.

Louis nodded, weirdly looking around and disregarding Melody.
"He's always like this, don't worry," Melody laughed lightly.

We chatted some more about work and family. What seems to be the main topic of this evening.

"Louis and I have been together for four years," Melody smiled, "I'm just waiting for that proposal," She whispered playfully, "Are you two married?"

"Yeah," I nodded, "For how long now? Seven months?"

"Aw, newlyweds," Melody smiled.

"I'll be right back," Louis said quietly, before walking away.

Melody and Adelaide and I continued chatting and Joe excused himself to the toilet and Bill went to get himself another drink.

We exchanged numbers to keep in touch before the men returned.

"My lovely lady," Bill smiled, as Adelaide wrapped her arm around his, linking their arms.

"Where's Louis ran off to this time?" Melody huffed.

"He'll probably be right back," Joe nodded.

Everyone sat back down and had pudding.

"Are you okay?" Joe asked me.

"My feet are killing me a bit, but yeah," I laughed lightly.

"Um, I saw Louis going at it with another girl," He whispered.


"When I was finding my way to the toilet, I opened a door and they... Ya'know," Joe nodded.

Our conversation was interrupted by everyone in the dining hall going quiet. I looked up and everyone was watching Louis and another girl come out of the room they were in.

"Um, we were discussing business," Louis stuttered.

The girl was still fixing her hair and her face turned bright pink in embarrassment.

"Bulls.hit," Melody cried, standing up from the table and storming away, Louis following behind.

"Really, Sara?!" A guy said, standing up.

"John, I'm sorry," Sara cried.

She followed John out and everyone was quiet for a second before continuing to talk again.

"Poor Melody," Adelaide said quietly, "I think she knew something was up though."

"Oh," I nodded.

"Bill, I'm going to go check on Melody," Adelaide excused herself, getting up and leaving to find Melody.

Bill nodded, continuing to talk to an older man sitting across from him.

"I love you," Joe hummed quietly, gently resting his hand on my thigh.

JOE 2 (Joe Sugg Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now