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The next morning, Joe and I were woken up by Joe's phone ringing off of the hook. It was going crazy.

"Joe, just pick it up, whoever's calling obviously wants to talk to you," I mumbled, turning over in bed.

"Fine," Joe groaned, picking up his phone, "Fifteen missed calls, oh my God... Hello?" Joe answered.

"Joe?! Your YouTube was hacked- oh my God, this is f.ucking bad," Zoe yelled through the phone frantically.

"What the h.ell?" Joe said, rubbing his eyes as he shot up in bed.

"I don't know how it hasn't been taken down already, but f.uck, this is bad," Zoe said.

"Zoe, what the h.ell is going on?!" Joe asked, frustrated.

I had already grabbed the laptop and pulled up Joe's YouTube page, and it showed one new uploaded video:


I clicked on it and it was a video of Joe and I having sex the other night, filmed from the small opening in between our curtains.

"Oh my God," I breathed, suddenly feeling light-headed.

I glanced at the description and it was uploaded really late last night and had almost a million views already.

"F.uck," Joe breathed, taking the laptop and trying to delete the video.

"Joe, this isn't good," Zoe said, now on speaker phone.

"No s.hit Zoe," He said.

"Joe," I shook my head.

My heart was racing and I felt a lump in my throat. This is so embarrassing and I feel sick, just thinking about someone watching us and recording us.

"Who the h.ell?" Joe said angrily, focusing on taking down the video.

"Joe, almost a million people have seen it," I said, trying not to cry. 

Joe put the video on private.

"I bet it's the same f.ucking person who hacked my Twitter," Joe said frustrated, "Well, I mean there's nothing we can really do about it," Joe shrugged.

"This is so embarrassing," I shook my head.

"I know it is, but at least we look good," Joe smirked.

"This isn't something to joke about, Joe! Someone was watching us, through our bedroom window! That doesn't creep you out at all?!" 

"Of course it does, but I don't even know what we can do about it, outside our window is public property," Joe said.

"This could ruin your career," I shook my head, getting out of bed.

"It made Kim Kardashian's career even better, who knows," Joe smiled, getting out of bed as well.

"Joseph! This isn't a f.ucking joke," I cried.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry. It'll be okay though, we'll be okay," Joe said, giving me a hug.

"I didn't want the whole world to see me like that," I cried against Joe's chest.

"Minxie, shh, I know, I'm sorry for joking about it," Joe comforted me, his arms still wrapped around me as I cried.

"That was between us, it wasn't for anyone else to see."

"Baby, I know," Joe hummed, "You look beautiful though."

"I don't care," I shook my head.

"It'll be okay," Joe nodded, kissing the top of my head, "Don't waste tears over it though. We'll be okay."

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