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Ozzy and Ava are now two months old. 

They are slowly growing and becoming stronger. I have fully recovered and doing perfectly fine. In fact, I have been given the okay from the doctor to start working out again, so now it's just time for me to lose some of this baby fat.

The babies are still at the hospital, and I spend a lot of my time there with them, just sitting by their little beds and being with them. I feel bad for Noah and Noelle because they have been kind of pushed to the side a bit, as a lot of the focus has been shifted onto the twins and their health. Noah and Noelle are doing well though. School is still a bit hard for Noah and Joe and I are still contemplating either switching schools for him or just homeschooling him. 

"Do we know when we'll be able to bring them home?" I asked the nurse.

"I'll go talk to the doctor," She nodded.

I cradled Ozzy in my arms as he slept quietly.

A few minutes the nurse came in, with the doctor following behind her. 

"Ozzy and Ava Sugg, let's have a look at them," The doctor smiled.

The doctor examined them and looked at their vitals.

"They are looking a lot healthier. I want to keep them here until they are stable enough without all of this," He nodded, signalling to the equipment.

"Oh yeah, I totally understand that, I was just wondering if you are able to predict when that will happen?"

"Hopefully in the next week, but that's pushing it a bit. That would mean they grow a lot and become more independent, but the way they're growing, it's possible," He smiled.

Joe soon joined us with the kids.

"Hi Mummy!" They smiled, rushing over and giving me a hug.

"Hi darlings, how was school?"

"Boring," Noelle shook her head.

Noah didn't answer, he just held Ozzy's hand.

Joe held Ava and talked quietly with the doctor, who was just filling in whatever information he just told me. He then thanked the doctor before he left and the nurse followed behind.

"I'm so excited to take them home," Joe smiled excitedly.

"Me too," I grinned.

The kids are obviously going to share rooms, so Ozzy will be with Noah and Ava with Noelle. So they're cribs and clothes are all set up, waiting for them to come home, but we also have two small bassinets in Joe's and I's room, because when they first come home we'll want to keep a closer eye on them to make sure that they're okay and adjusting well.

"Can I hold him?" Noelle asked me.

"Okay, but you have to be very, very gentle, okay?" I said, standing up so Noelle could sit in my seat.

"Okay Mummy," She nodded, looking at Ozzy. 

She held out her arms as I gently placed Ozzy down and she held him.

"Make sure to support his head, darling," I directed.

She held him correctly and had the biggest grin on her face.


Thankfully, Ozzy and Ava were able to come home at the beginning of the next week. They seem to be doing just fine, just as Noah was when we first brought him home. Of course they cry a lot, sleep a lot, and Joe and I have to clean their nappies a lot, but that's the joys of having newborns. We were just more happy about having them home and being able to always be with them. Noelle and Noah were also ecstatic to have them at home and wanted to help with everything with them.

"Mummy! Can you please do my hair for school?!" Noelle cried, fussing as he ran into Joe's and I's room with her hair brush tangled in her hair.

"Aw, come here, love," I laughed lightly.

"It's not funny!" She said upset.

"I know, I'm sorry," I said, trying not to a laugh a bit.

Joe took Ava from me and continued feeding her a bottle while I tried to fix Noelle's hair.

"Ow!" She squealed and cried as I tried taking the hair brush out.

"Don't move 'Elle," I said, getting the hair brush out and gently combing her hair and all of the knots away. 

I did her hair into a messy bun, something simple, fast, and cute. 

"Thank you," She smiled, giving me a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room to continue getting ready for school.

"They're so independent," I huffed.

"I know, it's crazy," Joe shook his head.

I picked Ozzy up from his bassinet and carried him as I went into the kitchen to get him a bottle.

I had pumped a lot of bottles yesterday and now I'm too lazy to breastfeed them so we're just using bottles I had prepared. 

I fed him while I got everything else out to make breakfast for Noelle and Noah before they had to leave for school.

"Noah, go put your tie on," I said as he came from his room, forgetting to put on his school uniform tie.

"I untied it, and I can't do it," He fussed.

"Well, just ask Dad, he knows how to tie them," I smiled.

"What do I know how to do?" Joe asked, carrying Ava as he came from our room.

"Tie ties. Noah's came undone," I explained.

"Yeah, go on and get it, I'll teach you how to fix it," He smiled.

Joe helped Noah learn to tie his tie, but no doubt Noah will forget how, but it's the thought that counts. 

"There you go, all set and ready," Joe smiled.

"I don't like wearing it," Noah pouted.

"I know, nobody likes wearing them, but it's a part of the rules to wear your uniform," Joe nodded.

I laid Ozzy down in the baby cradle and continued making everyone breakfast.

After breakfast, the kids gave the babies a kiss each before giving me a hug and kiss and Joe drove them to school.

"I'll drive you tomorrow, it's Dad's turn today," I smiled, giving Noelle a hug and kiss.

"I know," She nodded.

Joe drove and dropped them off at school before coming home and helping me with the babies. We bathed them and got them dressed and fed them again. Then while we got them to go down for a nap, Joe and I picked up the kitchen and cleaned the house from the mess this morning. This has become our daily routine and it's tiring to say the least, but hey, it's rewarding at the same time. I wouldn't want it any other way. 


a/n: hi!! sorry that this chapter is a lot shorter & poorly written, but I just wanted to get something out there for you guys to read! I love you all loads & I will try my best to update more often. I really hope you all enjoy this chapter, (even though it is a bit of a filler), thank you soooo much for reading! Love you loads!! X 

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