Rant on 1D Stuff

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I want to talk a little about 1D. Louis, Niall, and Zayn do not get enough recognition for what they do. They don't get enough recognition and Harry and Liam are usually in the spotlight. If any of you saw the Red Nose Day interview, you could see that all questions were aimed at Harry and Liam, while the other three were left out, looking dejected.That pretty much broke my heart. One Direction is made of five people, not two. I don't think people care about the other three as much, only because they don't get as many solos. I mean, those three have done as much for the world as Liam and Harry have! Niall told a girl he loves her to help her stop cutting, Louis hosts charity football games, and Zayn always gives advice to anyone who needs it. If that's not enough, I don't know what is. Yes, Harry and Liam have done things too, but many times, people forget that the others have done stuff too. Sometimes it seems that people don't care that Louis, Niall and Zayn went to Africa with Harry and Liam. They all went TOGETHER! I hate seeing this. All of them or a band TOGETHER! I don't get why people say they have "weaker voices" than Harry or Liam. They have equally powerful voices, but management and the fans sometimes don't don't see that...

Another thing is, all the hate those three get. Yes, Liam and Harry get hate, but it's not like the hate Niall, Louis, and Zayn get. Niall is called ugly and told to change his appearence, Louis is called gay, Zayn has been called a terrorist! None of this is true at all! Niall had to change his appearance because he got so insecure by all those people telling him he was ugly! I mean, I like the way he looks now, but to me, it's not the natural him. I liked him more when he was that little penguin Niall that first came on X-Factor, with his blond, messy hair, and a couple crooked teeth that made him more adorable. Louis is called gay all the time. This isn't the 1960's people. I'm not joking when I say this, many people wear a pink shirt and people think they're gay, all because it's the stereotype of gays from the freaking 1960's! and not to mention the fact that he has a girlfriend, whom he loves, and she is accused of being a beard. I can tell he loves her with all his heart and soul! No wonder he's so protective of her... and even he was gay, or bi-sexual, or whatever, that isn't our business or our choice about what his sexual preference is. So he could or couldn't be gay, that isn't our business, it's his personal business. Zayn isn't a terrorist! Just because he is half Pakistani doesn't mean he's one. It doesn't mean anyone who is half Pakistani or full Pakistani are terrorists. The people who are terrorists made that choice, and most didn't. Zayn would never bomb or kill anyone. I'm sure when they knew about 9/11, they were very sorry and grieved for those families, because they are good people. So is Zayn's family. This fandom sometimes disgusts me. I'm not saying all of you do this stuff, but the ones that do should be ashamed of themselves. This is bullying and one day, you all could be the reason someone of finds one of those boys alone and fed up with life or even dead. I don't want this to happen to them. Those three boys don't deserve that. They deserve kind words and to be left alone with their private lives.

one more thing, did anyone hear about Harry getting mobbed when he came out of a hotel? I read about it and that was absolutely disgusting! He had gotten attacked when he came out the doors of the hotel. Literally attacked. The girls were grabbing and pushing him and he was begging them to let him through but they refused to leave him alone. Girls were shoving things in his face and he tried to move, but couldn't and he fell and had to literally crawl under peoples legs to try to leave. I saw pictures and it looked like he was gonna cry. I saw this girl's tumblr post that explained the whole thing A girl had seen this whole thing and tried to help him and tweeted her firsthand account of Harry trying to get through the crowd. I am extremely pissed. Because this isn't the first time this has happened to one of them, and I want to cry. I'm completely and utterly frustrated. Some people are so disrespectful to those boys. Harry is a human being, not some zoo animal that you use for your entertainment and bragging rights. I just want to take him away from it, give him a cup of tea and a hug and tell him I'll protect him. I want to make sure all of those boys are safe and happy and I want them to know that there are some people that appreciate how great of people they are, not things people use for bragging and entertainment. He and all the others have to go through this daily! and that's not cool, guys. Yes, I want to meet them, but I would be nice and calm and ask for their picture and autograph POLITELY! I would never wish this on anyone! I'm claustrophobic and I can tell you,it scares me. I know how Niall feels. I swear on Harry's curls, Lou's carrots, Zayn's mirror, and Niall's food that I will throw something very hurtful (a brick or something like that) at those people if it happens again.

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