Have a little fun-nouis

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IM BACK! I'm really sorry for not updating for a while. I've been super busy lately and haven't had any time to update anything. But I'm back. And I have more one shots! Yay!
Did anyone hear that Niall made a public snapchat? I'm currently thanking God for giving us the gift of Niall Horan because I can't deal with all these selfies and videos on my snapchat. I am now able to drool over his hotness much more because he's sending them to us. Like we are able to see what he's doing. I'm really happy. Now all we need is the other lads to make public snapchats.
I actually had a breakdown in the hallway at my school last week because I've been really stressed out because I had a huge essay to write plus I'm failing algebra and there's a test on Monday and I'm completely lost and there isn't enough time for me to go to tutoring a lot, and I'm still trying to memorise my lines for Midsummers Night Dream for drama and my interpreter was being kind of rude to me because I was having issues citing my works for the essay and she kept saying how the teacher already explained how to but I was confused because one of the sources was Wikipedia and I had no clue how to cite Wikipedia and I was saying I understand how to cite the works it's Wikipedia I don't understand. And then my teacher heard me and yelled at me for "being rude to a teacher" and made me apologise and I just literally broke down and started crying in the hall way because I've been stressed for two weeks and this was not helping it at all. It took me like five minutes to collect myself and my interpreter was pissed off at me because for whatever reason and she left my last period class without saying goodbye and I had to go to tutoring without her. And now I'm failing English and American Studies because I keep getting sick and missing a bunch of days so I miss the work that we're supposed to do, and I have to make it all up over spring break, so I don't get to have fun over break, and I have not had any ACT prep all year because I haven't had the time to actually get it, and I'm screwed. So let's just say I had an awful week and I'm having an awful spring break, and I will probably have an awful rest of the year. The only upside is I got accepted into my camps counsellor training program. I really could use some cheering up...
Okay, ranting over. Here's the nouis!
Louis glanced around the club, blinking. His vision was slightly hazy, and he was almost completely smashed at the moment. His best friends Liam and Zayn had dragged him to some pub and went for rounds and then he wasn't exactly sure what happened after.
Louis was vaguely aware that two people hd joined the conversation but he was really sure who they were. He stared at the bar counter, trying to become at least slightly sober enough to join the conversation or at least see who Liam and Zayn were talking with. His vision was slightly less hazy and he glanced up at the group. Two lads were standing behind Liam and Zayn, chatting with them while taking swigs from beers. One lad was tall, probably way taller than Louis. He had curly brown hair that went down to his shoulders in a way that didn't make him look bad. His eyes were green and he wore a patterned shirt unbuttoned enough to reveal two swallow tattoos on his chest and black tight jeans. The other was blonde. He was probably around Louis' height and he had the most amazing blue eyes Louis had ever seen. He was wearing a tight graphic t-shirt of The Rolling Stones and black tight jeans as well. Louis, if he hadn't been so drunk, would have asked for their names, but right now all he could focus on was the blonde. He was captivated.
Zayn walked away and the blonde lad moved towards the dance floor. The curly haired one stayed and chatted with Liam, before Liam noticed Louis staring after the blonde who was standing five feet away, swaying to the music.
Louis barely had any time to compose himself before Liam laughed at something the curly haired lad said, and shoved Louis off his barstool. Louis stumbled drunkenly forward and nearly gasped as he collided with someone. Not just collided, but his lips smacked onto theirs. It was slightly awkward, but Louis was pretty drunk, and just barely realised it was the gorgeous blonde lad.
Louis started moving his lips hesitantly, waiting for the lad to pull away. He never did. Instead, he placed his hands on Louis' waist and started kissing him back. Louis must have been really drunk, but damn this boy knew how to snog.
He wrapped his arms around the lad's neck, pulling him closer. The taste of alcohol was strong, but Louis focused more on how blissful he felt. He felt like he was floating on cloud 9, kissing this random gorgeous man. Louis heard Liam and someone else wolf whistling, but ignored it.
Soon, the blonde pulled away.
"You know, usually, people ask for names before they go and snog them. But I'll make an exception, because you're one hell of a snogger."
Louis laughed. He noticed the thick Irish accent and it just served to make the man even more attractive.
"Sorry, I'm really drunk. And you're really gorgeous. I'm Louis."
"Niall. So, Louis, why don't we get you sobered up, and we can talk. Because that's what you're supposed to do before you snog people isn't it?" Niall laughed slightly and smiled at Louis.
Louis laughed again and let Niall pull him towards a table.
Maybe being drunk isn't the worst thing in the world.

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