Chapter 14: Jack Frost and There's More?

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I know that my chest is whacked out but, are my eyes working?

Is Merida really on fire?

And if I'm not mistaken, she's glowing red and her eyes also show that.

Her eyes are red too.

"Put da girl down, Pitch!", she yelled.

He stared in amazement and in horror.

"No. It can't be. You can't have your powers, not yet! Oops.", Pitch said.

"We have powers? Sweet!", Hiccup said excitingly.

Rapunzel and I looked at him, basically saying, "Really?"

"I mean, Oh no! Something dangerous!", he said with sarcasm in his voice.

"Jack? Is that really Merida?", Punzie asked.

Suddenly, Quinn opened her eyes to see Merida's hands on fire.

"Oh sweet! You got your powers first! Haha! Take that Francis! I win the 10 bucks!", she exclaimed.

"What?", I asked.

"I'll explain later, but 3 words. Put. Me. Down!", she yelled at Pitch.

She kicked him in the face, did a triple backflip (I could do that....), landed on her feet, and pulled out a pen from her pocket.

"How is a pen gonna help us?!", I exclaimed.

"Oh, this isn't just any ordinary pen. Watch this.", she said as she pushed the button.

The pen turned into a super cool scythe.

"I am the guardian's protector. Until they are ready to fight, they will wait. You, sir, are not going to win a battle that's not fairly won. You will die now!!!!", Quinn yelled as she began to attack.

"I'll be back for you, Frost! Until then, have a sweet nightmare.", Pitch said as he disappeared into the shadows.

Quinn turned her scythe back into a pen and tended to Ace.

"Remind me not to get on your bad side.", I said with a smirk.

She smiled back.

"You can turn the heat off now, Merida.", Hiccup said.

Merida did.

"I didn't even know I could do that!", she said happily.

"What do you mean by protectors of the guardians?", Punzie asked, still holding my arm over her shoulder.

"It's just a family thing.", Ace said.

He's finally awake.

"Should we show them?", Quinn asked her brother.

"Yeah. There's really no other way to explain it.", he answered.

They lifted their sleeves to revile a tattoo of a story from long ago.

"There will be a time of war when special heroes are needed. When that time comes...", Ace stopped.

"A special family will be chosen to protect them, whenever they need them. When they win the war, they are the ones to bring the guardians home.", Quinn finished.

"Wow. That's all I'm gonna say. Wow.", Hiccup said surprisingly.

"Guys, I feel dizzy.", I said.

I really did.

I also felt that my chest was kind of wet.

Punzie screamed, "Oh my god! Jack! You're bleeding!!!!"

Was I?

"Pitch is such a bast-", I couldn't finish the sentence because I had collapsed to the floor, in a pool of my own blood.

"Jack! Jack!", Punzie kept screaming.

Quinn, Merida, Hiccup, and even sort of injured Ace ran straight to me.

I couldn't feel my arms or my legs or anything.

Did I die?

Like actually die without coming back this time?

I couldn't hear Punzie screamed anymore.

All I heard was tears smashing against the floor of the damaged hideout.

I think those were Punzie's tears.

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