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A/N: Please refer to Ansaheim for the introduction to the magic system ( will be posted soon)

dedicated to Brandon_Sanderson


" My lord, wake up, we are being attacked" a servant whispered to the king.

The king quickly sat up. His eyes were wide with fear.

" Get my armor. " he commanded.

The servant rushed to the vault beside the king's bed. She placed her palm in the socket. The vibrations started. She didn't know how the machine worked, but at least, it kept the king's things safe. There was a click and the wall slid open to reveal a staircase. It was dusty and had moss growing on it, but when it comes to life and death problems, anything was fine enough to walk on.

The king got up and quickly ran down the stairs. He opened the door and he entered the lavishly decorated armor room. His sword sat within a glass case which was made to break. His armor stood by the wall. Avadron pushed a button and the green wires fall off the metal behemoth.

The king's armor could not be classified as regular armor. It was a 8 foot tall mech unit powered by the life force of plants and animals. The king entered and fastened the straps. He tried to move his arm and the mech followed his movements.

Avadron punched the glass case. He grabbed the sword and rushed out of his chamber.

The servant stared at the machine with awe as it ran past her. ' So that was why the ceilings here are so tall ' she thought.


Soren was releasing the life force of these soldiers with ease. He pressed his hand against the soldier's armor and it got absorbed into his body. Fellashum is not really magic, it is a science, an artform. He released the metallic energy into the knight. He fell as his body turned into steel. All bodies release life force, one just has to be trained enough to see it and/ or harvest it.

A knight behind Soren raised his sword, ready to slice him in half. Soren dogged to the side and touched the blade. It disintegrated in a heartbeat. He slammed his other hand into the gut of the man. He screamed in agony as the blow absorbed his armor and planted it into his body.

These people are too easy to defeat. Where are the Fellashumists of the castle. Soren heard that they were very experienced. He shouldn't get too carried away and...... Oh there is the challenge.

A giant armored unit made of Ferumian metal swung its sword. Soren jumped on the sword and ran up its arm. The Ferumian behemoth tried its best to shake him off, but Soren clung tightly.

Usually, mech units are made from Ferumian metal on the outside, but Ferumian was too expensive to line the inside.

Soren tried to unlock the latch, but there was a padlock on it. The behemoth's sword swung over its head. Soren crouched and a lock of his hair was sliced off. He managed to disintegrate the lock. He kicked open the latch and found, to his surprise, the king piloting the unit.

" Hello, your majesty, prepare to die." Soren whispered to his ear as he punched him in the gut and infused metal into his body. The king slumped onto his chair. Soren could see his life force escape. Before, it could leave the machine, it disappeared and became fuel.

That's what he gets for creating a mech unit. Stay with it, die with it.

Soren leaped out of the mech. He looked to the window and jumped out, absorbing the glass. He landed on the ground and absorbed the momentum and kinetic energy before it could damage his legs. He took off in a run.

' I'm sorry,please forgive me. ' he thought to himself

The dead monarch lay on a bed within the medical ward. A Fellashumists was trying her best to retrieve his life force from the mech unit beside her.

She approached the king's adviser and shook her head. She retreated to give them privacy.

" The Xin-Hai are up to this, I know they are! Fellashumists can only be trained there. " Feramar exclaimed.

" We can't accuse them yet. Our evidence is not yet enough. " Dalumya stated in a calm tone.

" The tension is too much. If the public knows the king was assassinated, the rebels will win the day. " Selenrium said " Even if they didn't do anything to cause it. "

" It's the rebels who've attacked "

" Let's not jump to conclusions. We must announce it to the public and have the coronation as soon as possible. After all, prince Rafathel is old enough to become king. "

" Let us start the nomination." Dalumya announced

Feramar raised his hand .

Dalumya nodded to his direction, indicating his chance to speak.

" We must attack the Fellashumists in Asia. The rebels there seem to be active. The best way to eliminate a threat is to eliminate the people."

Selenrium raised his hand and Dalumya nodded to his direction.

" I think we must first crown a king. Rafathel must be crowned immediately. "

Tristandu raised his hand " I close the nomination"

Dalumya shouted " Please cast your votes. People who agree with Feramar, please raise your hands."

5 out of 20 people raised their hands to vote.

" The council has decided. Prince Rafathel must have his coronation before any other action will be taken. " Dalumya said.

The metting slowly became noisier as the councilors were making deals and empty promises to each other. Soon, Yaoona ordered in some refreshments and snacks into the room. Dalumya was furious but nothing could be done about a councilor wanting drinks and snacks. Soon, the meeting became a full-blown party with recorded music brought by one of the alchemi apprentices.

After a few hours, most of the councilors retreated to their respective after-parties or to their other duties.

When everyone had gone, the only people left were Dalumya and Feramar. They stood over the King and muttered a silent prayer.

" He was a good man and even better leader. " Dalumya whispered.

" He was an abusive tyrant. " Feramar cursed

" He was an effective tyrant. Crime rates were the lowest during his reign. People were happier and more obedient. Alchemi was discovered during his time. "

" Yes, but the rebels and terrorists united to try and bring him down. "

" Yes, yes they did. We must retire to leave his body and soul to rest in peace. "

" I agree" Feramar said strolling out of the clinic. "

Dalumya looked at the body with pity. He smiled and thought ' If only you knew, Avadron. If only you knew. '

He turned to the door and walked out.

Alchemi ( volume 1 of the "Swirdiniad " seriesWhere stories live. Discover now