Ryet and Icefell

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Faria was brought back to the castle grounds in a very disturbing show involving satrtling a counselor doing private things with his wife in a room within the castle. Faria would never unsee that moment.

She sat on the windowsil in her big room staring out the window. The stars shone brightly in the sky and she just thought about what happened today.


Soren leaped onto the castle wall and absorbed a bit of GPE from a brick. He started climbing to the third window up in the west wing. He silently pushed the window up. Huh, no lock. This was too easy. He slipped in and absorbed the window's GPE. It was kept in place by the nails so there was no problem with it making a sound. Soren left it open because, in the state it was in now, it couldn't be closed. He walked to Faria's room without meeting anyone. This was really too easy. Maybe Faria would put up a good fight. He activated heat and he could feel his body getting hotter.

Heat  is the hardest type of energy to control because, if used incorrectly, it may burn up your body. Soren unseathed his dagger; he opened the door and saw the princess staring out the window. What a useless way to spend the night.


Faria's door creaked open and a man in black came in with a burning knife in his right hand. Faria did the sensible thing and grabbed Ryet, her only weapon, from the folds of her dress. Before she could put it on, a dagger was on her neck. " Sorry," her assassin whispered into her ear.

Before the assailant could slice her throat ,she activated Ryet and sent an electric shock through him. He fell back and jumped onto the windowsill.

Faria fastened Ryet on her left hand and it started buzzing with electricity. She could feel a bit of the electricity, but it won't really do any harm.


Soren stared at her with wide eyes. This was an Alchemic creation. If anyone discovered that the princess dabbled in Alchemi, she would be shunned, but it wasn't Soren's problem. She'd soon be dead anyway. Soren deactivated his stored heat. The room became colder and he could see his breath. He stored his GPE into the window ;it shattered into a million glistening pieces. He floated to the ceiling and threw his dagger at Faria. The girl vaporized it with her glove and she sent an electronic shock through the wall. Soren kicked off the ceiling and wasn't affected. He hoped that her contraption couldn't charge air particles.


Faria looked at the ceiling and cursed under her breath. This man was a Fellashumist. She couldn't reach him up there with only Ryet. She needed Icefell. She ran to her dresser to find Icefell, but a thrown dagger stopped her in her tracks. The Fellashuist landed behind her with a thump and she quickly charged a small portion of the air behind her. Ryet was useful when the room you were in was made of conductive material, but in a place like this, it would only be like using a stick to fight a wyvern.

There was a hissing sound behind her as the dagger turned into a pool of metal. She grabbed Icefell from the top of her dresser and put it on. She froze the room with herself in it.


Soren was about to dash towards her when the ice blast hit him. His body temperature dropped drastically. He could've stopped it but he didn't expect the princess to have ice based weaponry. His eyes closed and he fell into unconsciousness.


Faria staved off the cold by constantly sending weak electrical charges into her body. It hurt, but the pain kept her conscious. She withdrew the freezing temperature into Icefell and the ice melted into water instantly.

She looked at her attacker's unconscious body and she tried her best to heat the air around him with electrical pulses. She considered charging him with electricity, but it was very risky as she may raise the level too high.

She tried to look for a pulse. She found it, but it was weak. At least she hadn't murdered him by dropping the room temperature to below zero. In case he woke up trying to kill her, Faria tied his hands together with a piece of lace she made when she was younger. What a waste, but it was for her safety.

To pass time, she grabbed a chair from the corner and a soggy book from her bookshelf. Sigh, she'd better request for new copies in the future. She cracked it open with Ryet on her hand as a precautionary measure. She'd just have to wait for him to wake up from his little nap and maybe she could find out why someone as special as a Fellashumist would be sent to kill her.

Alchemi ( volume 1 of the "Swirdiniad " seriesWhere stories live. Discover now