The Prophecy

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Princess Faria quickened her pace. She walked down the well-lit and decorated hallways. Faria always thought that well-decorated hallways are luxuries. There are people outside the palace walls which have nothing to eat, but here, the wealth was spent on useless paitings and portraits of random people.

Faria turned a corner and stopped in front of the queen's room. She really didn't want to disturb mother, but she had to discuss important matters.

The doors, like the hallway, was lavishly decorated with paintings of butterflies and vines. It was about 20 feet tall and the doorknobs were played with gold.

Faria took a very deep breath and knocked.

" Come in. " queen Gardenia shouted.

Faria pushed open the door. Her mother sat by the windowsill embroidering a long piece of woven cloth.

Faria's mother wore a simple black gown. Her veil was down because the 14 day mourning period has not yet passed. Once it does, queen Gardenia will lift the veil up or take it off completely, but she'd still have to wear black gowns.

Faria pinched her dress, crossed her legs and bent down to show her respects to a person in a higher rank. She quickly abandoned the position and stood with her back straight while facing the queen.

" Mother, I have some requests and.... opinions to voice out. " Faria said

The queen looked up at her and replied " Go on. I don't have much time."

' She has too much time' Faria thought. " I do not think that prince Rafathel is will be able to lead the country like his father. " Faria voiced out.

" He will suffice" the queen stated while looking back at her project.

" Hear me out, mother, he is a drunkard, a thief, and a cheating bastard of a son! " Faria exclaimed.

" What did you say?" the queen said, standing up. The cloth slid off her skirt.

" I said that he cannot become king. " Faria raised her voice.

" He can and will. You have no power in this. " Mother said as calmly as possible.

Faria was filled with rage. " I have no power in this?" she laughed. " I should be queen. I am your eldest child. " Faria raised her voice. " I must not and refuse to marry the prince of Sempat-Naguru. He is a cheating oaf. "

Before the monarch could say anything else in defense, Faria stomped out of the queen's room and slammed the door behind her.

Later that day

Queen Gardenia sat on a soft velvet chair in front of the head fellushemist's table. The fellushemist strode into the room and was surprised to find the queen sitting in front of his desk. He bowed as low as possible.

" You may rise." the queen commanded.

He stood up straight and asked in a polite manner " What may I do for your majesty?"

" The council has agreed to let you read the next prophecy. They were about to send a messenger to listen, but I insisted. " the queen said.

The fellushemist gulped and sat down on his desk. He retrieved the Scroll of Swirdaniad and read the last paragraph.

" The tyrant's rule has ended,
his soul cannot be mended.
Five are needed to fix what has been broken:
The peace in men.
The harmony of nature.
The possibility of a future.
One shall save or kill
One shall mend or tear.
The people will live in fear
for they may hear shrills"

The queen bowed and left the room wothout looking back. She walked into her bed chamber.

" Bring me a messenger." The queen whispered to her servant.

The servant nodded and ran out of the room. Moments later, a boy came into her room. He bowed and stood up straight.

" Deliver this message to the council. These exact words: The time has come" she stated in a loud voice.

The boy ran out the door to do what was needed. The queen just hoped that the kingdom will be safe.

Alchemi ( volume 1 of the "Swirdiniad " seriesWhere stories live. Discover now