A (horible) Winterwonderland

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Faria strode into the ballroom for one of her mother's parties not with the intention to enjoy it. The ballroom was decorated with snow of all types, probably imported from Ma-Lu-Sho at a rediculous price. Unfortunately, all her mother's parties were luxurious and really expensive. Today's theme, fortunately, was that of a Winter wonderland.Faria simply wore Ryet and Icefell inside her gloves. The dress' sleeves covered both her hands in case anyone would grab it and notice something was off with it. She slowly approached Feramar's table and joined in as one of the ladies who listen to his interesting, but surely fake, tales.

"-And then, I fell through the hole and slew the wyvern to get it. I found the person bound to it and-" Faria stopped listening as a man caught her eye.

He looked familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on who he was. Wait, was that the assassin from last night?Faria decided to abbandon the old man to his talking. She approached the assassin and said, "How's the whether today, good sir?"


Soren stiffened as he heard the signal for small talk. He turned to meet the person and he was surprised to know that it was Faria.

"It is most fine, your majesty!" he grit his teeth and whispered,"What are you doing here!"

"Well, I am a monarch. I have all right to attend my mother's gatherings." she replied with a sly smile as she crossed her arms and leaned on the pillar, "So, you're futile attempt at assassination has failed. I wonder what you will do next?"

"Not so openly!"

"Oh, but I can speak my mind whenever I want. I am of royalty after all."

Soren cursed to himself and said, "How is your dress, your highness? I hope my 'gift' suits your taste."

"It is the most exquisite gift I have ever recieved. How was my stitching? Will the 'lace' do?"

"Why it's almost healed. Your majesty, your handiwork was exquisite!"


Faria nodded. At least he was alive and well enough to attend parties. Faria decided that this was the perfect time to get the information. At least he won't slice her throat her so openly and on front of a few hundred important nobles.

"Who's your new client tonight?" Faria asked

The man blushed. Faria has never seen a male blush before. It was usually those women clamoring for her brother's attention who force themeselves to blush, but this guy wasn't forcing it.

"I've never done that before!"

Ohhhh, so he thought Faria was implying that he lost his virginity. Faria chuckled and whispered,"Play along now, little lion."

Soren looked into her eyes and gulped,"I cannot disclose this fine information without a price."

"And what exactly do you desire? I am a princess. I can basically have anything I want from Alsdoria."


'This girl was good at playing games. She must've had a lifetime's worth of practice.' Soren thought as he stared at Faria who gave him a sly smile and was leaning on the pillar casually. He's never played politics. He hated lies and decieving fellow humans. It was part of the reason why he ran from his father.

"I want you to openly announce that you are in the possession of Alchemic contraptions."

Faria stiffened and said, "What are you talking about?"

"I mean it. I will tell all I know if you announce it to all your subjects who you're working with and where your loyalties lie."

He knew about Isandylle and their conversation. How did he know? Is he part of it too? Did Isandylle order him to kill her? Faria decided that this game was getting a tad bit dangerous. She'd better guess his name and quickly!

"Why 'S' you are hilarious!" she laughed, "Well, I am parched from this little conversation. I shall leave and take myself a glass of wine from the table."

The gunshots started after she picked up a glass of wine from the table. Peopl screamed and were scrambling to reach the exits before they get shot. A butler who just placed down a glass was lying on the floor with blood pooling beside him. Faria was tempted to cauterize his wounds but she decided that it was better not to reveal anything about her 'past tines'. Instead, she did the most logical thing and tried to run with the crowd, but she was stopped in her tracks by a dagger suddenly embedded on the wall. It missed Faria by centimeters and sliced a bit of her bangs off.She looked in the direction it was thrown and noticed Soren walking towards her. She'd better get away soon. When she was about to run, a gun was trailed onto her head.

"Move and you die." a female voice said.

Alchemi ( volume 1 of the "Swirdiniad " seriesWhere stories live. Discover now