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Faria had better find out how to use ranged attacks before Soren gets crushed. She lifts up her hand with Icefell and an ice spike protuded from the wall. Once it came in contact with her current assassin, it shattered. Faria just realized how much the pain on her back was slowing her thoughts. She'd better go to the healer after she survived this? She would survive; she couldn't believe otherwise. She melted the snow around her and sent a shock with Ryet.

At that moment, Soren leaped into the air and the new assassin got hit with the electricity, but unlike Soren, she still got up, but her burns didn't heal instantaneously. She wasn't an Alchemic creation.

"Sao! She's human!" Faria shouted, "Don't kill her."

"What?" Soren asked and was kicked to the side. He hit a pillar and slid down. A gun was trailed on his head and Nadya whispered, "Die!"

Faria put no thought as she ran towards Nadya. She placed Icefell on her and absorbed all the heat. Nadya's energy field shattered. She looked behind her with surprise as Faria shocked her with Ryet. It wasn't a fatal blow, but it managed to knock her out cold.

Nadya fell on the floor, unconscious but alive ; Faria collapsed because of fatigue. Soren tried his best not to fall into an unconscious state.

As he sat there with his eyes closed and on the verge of unconcsiousness, Isandylle and Queen Gardenia strode into the room speaking. The queen stared at the battle scene and told Isandylle,"You hire exceptional fighters, Owl. Who would've guessed my daughter owned Alchemic contraptions?"

"I myself did not guess that she would come into the possession of such items." Owl replied sarcastically as to not offend the queen.

Soren couldn't take the pain anymore and he fell into an uncomscious state.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2016 ⏰

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Alchemi ( volume 1 of the "Swirdiniad " seriesWhere stories live. Discover now