Project: Sadriavous

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"The specimen seems to stir it's history. More research seems to be needed"


Isandylle did not take a seat, instead she placed her amulet on her wooden dresser and pressed a button. The entire room filled up with purple light and a miniature model of the palace halls appeared above the circular disk. The girl swiped her finger as if spinning a wheel. The model followed the movement and spun around. Isandylle zoomed in by moving her index finger away from her thumb.

" This is the video feed received from yesterday, minutes before the attack." she stated.

" What is a video feed?" Faria asked with more curiosity than she would like to show.

Isandylle sighed and rolled her eyes, "A video feed is like a moving portrait. It shows past events."

Faria still didn't get it, but kept her mouth shut. Instead of listening to Isandylle talk about what happened to her father, she just observed the room. The room had no windows. Why was that? There was a long worktable filled with vials of unknown liquid and unfinished contraptions by the wall. There was a row of bookcases near it. Ledgers were neatly stacked by a couch near the fireplace, which was mostly for decoration because the room was lit with some Alchemic contraption.

No one knew exactly where the Swirdin Alchemic society was located, and no one wanted to know. If you found it, then you were automatically a member.

" Princess!" Owl shouted, and Faria regained her presence of mind, " Will you join me in my Project: Sadriavous?"

Faria seemed like she was considering, but she was actually trying to find any clues about what Isandylle just said. Oh well, helping the Alchemists is better than making my mother an enemy. She looked at the girl in the eye and said " I shall, but what do I need to do first?"

Owl nodded at if she knew the princess was going to accept. She pressed a button on the contraption and a new image replaced it. It depicted a huge cavern with slum-type houses lining the walls. There were walking people stuck in their place and a statue of Irasvin, the god of the realm.

This time, Faria tried her best to listen.

" As you know, there are rebels who have tried hard to overthrow the king, or your father. We do not think it is they who have done this deed. It may be the new factions or one of your father's rivals. "

"What makes you say it's not the rebels?"

"The rebels despise energy casters. Why would they send one to do their work?"

Faria nodded. The rebels, even in desperate times, never used energy casters.

" Now, here's what is needed from you. Your mother will host a secret competition within the inner circle. We want you to work with the specialized team of mine to infiltrate that meeting and get the information about each and every event."

" Wouldn't it be better to ask a hand-maiden rather than approach me?"

" Yes, but Her Highness' hand-maidens are fiercely loyal. If one does agree to my terms, she would probably betray me. "

"If I do carry out your orders, what's in it for me?"

" The trust of the Society. We would aid your kingdom when a disaster strikes and we will" Isandylle hesitated, "w-we will release every Alchemical device which is guaranteed to be safe."

Faria was about to nod, but Isandylle said, " Only after the whole project is completed. "

"And when will this said project be completed?"

"After we prevent a war"

Alchemi ( volume 1 of the "Swirdiniad " seriesWhere stories live. Discover now