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Soren stirred once more and he looked at his cauterized wound. "Mornin' sleeping assassin!" the princess said sarcastically. He must've slept through the night as the room was lit by sunlight and not candles.

"Anyway, you'd better get out of here or people will start to doubt my virginity." Faria laughed.

Soren hated himself for not saying at least a simple thank you to the person who he tried to kill, but helped him with his wound. Of course, his wound would take a long time to heal as Fellashumy won't be able to speed up the healing process. He nodded and jumped out of the window storing hin GPE into a brick. He landed with a thud outside the castle gates.

Before he took off running, he looked at the window of the princess and he blushed. Impossible! He couldn't be falling for her! He would not accept it. Besides, she must've hated him already for invading her privacy. He pushed down the thoughts and focused on what he would do next. They'd use the oath for sure to plunge him into his worst memory again, but it didn't matter; it'd be easier to steal it back.

Faria stared out the window and looked at her assassin sprint away. She cleaned up the mess last night and stuffed her soiled dress into the incinerator in the maid's wing. She looked at her nails. There was still grime stuck in it even after a number of baths.

Someone knocked her door and she shouted "Come in!"

A maid came in saying, " Your highness, i-it's tume for your morning bath."

Faria allowed herself to be bathed and when she was done, she dismissed her maids. As she walked through the hallways, she met a little girl in a simple black dress. Poor girl, her mother must've passed away. This girl approached her and asked,"Your majesty, would you want to know why he was here?"


She hushed her and said, " Ummm, who's Isandylle?"

"You're not Isandylle?"

"People call me Owl. I do not know who this Isandylle is."

" Oh I'd be happy to hear what you have to say."

Isandylle activated one of her teleporter device and they ended up in her office. She went and activated the projector and the footage of the Wyvern Wing popped up.

"What's that?" Faria asked.

"It's where your dream boy was last night." Isandylle explained, "He might be in this deeper than we thought."

"What do you mean?"

"You see that hooded man holding the piece of paper? We believe that he's behind this whole mess."

"He looks vaguely like Feramar, one of the king's councilors."

"That's who we think he is. Befriend Feramar and see what he information he has to offer."

Faria nodded and she was taken back to her room. "Tell no one of this meeting" Isandylle said.

Faria nodded and when she looked away, Isandylle was gone. She went to do what Isandylle commanded her to do.

Soren stared at his pocket watch. They were now approximately 3 minutes late. Whenever he moved, his wound would hurt a lot, but he tried to hide that he was being hurt. It would be an asset to make them overestimate him. The door of the tavern swung open and the man who held the oath in front of him last night walked over to him and took a seat.

"You have failed." he croaked and placed the oath on the table.

Soren was once again plunged into his worst nightmare.

Alchemi ( volume 1 of the "Swirdiniad " seriesWhere stories live. Discover now