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Nadya slammed the door open and startled rats and humans alike. She limped into the room and collapsed onto a wooden chair waiting for other survivors. Her eyes drooped and she fell asleep. A little while later, the door slammed open and the twins walked into the room without greeting her or making a sound. Nadya was startled awake, but didn't show her surprise. Those two are really weird due to the fact that they rarely talk. They'd only talk when needed, otherwise they'd just stare at you speak and they're always together even in the latrines. It sounds weird, but Nadya saw them both go in at the same time.

The Great Mother walked down the steel staircase and greeted us, "Hello survivors," she snarled at Nadya." Nadya."

I grit my teeth together. One small knife in your back can kill you!

"As you know, this girl, brought down the wrath of the Alchemic Society onto our little pack." she pointed at her. Nadya could hear loud gasps from people who are probably looking through a peek hole.

" I did nothing of that sort!"

"And you expect us to believe you? You can fly little miss raven. That contraption on your neck is probably what you stole" she cooed and touched Nadya's amulet.

Nadya pulled away and said, " Where's the proof?"

Rechiellde tapped the wall and a video popped up of Nadya trying to get in through the main bases' window.

"You yourself have an Alchemic creation! "

"Unlike you, I bought this. " Rechiellde explained. "Children, what do we do with traitors."

The twins had a dagger on her neck faster than Nadya could being out hers. She mentally put up a forcefield around her in case the twins would really plunge the weapon into her neck.

"Good bye Nadya. Do it, Twins!"

The twins were about to slice her neck off but the forcefield absorbed the kinetic energy. Nadya got her knives out and absorbed all the GPE in the room except hers. Everyone in the room floated to the ceiling. "Rechiellde, I will give you 5 seconds to create fair terms or I will drop you all."

Rechiellde was feverishly praying to the gods.

"Five, Four, Three, Two," Nadya counted

" You are out of the group but we won't hunt or kill you."

"One! I don't accept. Bye bye!" she dropped her former leader by releasing stored up GPE within her amulet. The twins and Rechiellde fell to the floor with a splat. Nadya was afraid to look, but she didn't show her fear. Instead, she walked out of the room and thought,'I think I now have to accept my fate.' she tried her best to find an Alchemist.

Alchemi ( volume 1 of the "Swirdiniad " seriesWhere stories live. Discover now