The Swirdin Alchemic Society

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Faria hid her shock really well. There was a short silence in which the soft gust of the air could be heard before Owl asked "Umm.... your majesty? May I have the permission to speak?"

" Yes, please explain what this "danger" is." Faria replied, curious to know what Isandylle meant.

" Let us go to somewhere more private"

"Very well."

The girl brought out a small device and threw it on the ground. Faria blinked, and when she opened her eyes, they were not in a sweet-smelling garden, but in a small, plastic container -big enough to hold a fat man- within an unfurnished white room. She looked at her dress. Instead of being a shade of dark blue, it turned into a light shade of purple. She felt a spike of fear and looked for Isandylle, but she was not beside her. She ran to the door and slammed it open. People in matching brown cloaks stared at her with a mix of curiosity and amusement. After 2 seconds, evryone who noticed her fell into a curtsy or a bow. Some were trying to hide their snickers, but failed at it.

Faria blushed for a second before putting up her mask of regality. She walked up a flight of stairs and opened the door, but before she touched the doorknob, she felt a spark and the door swung open with a bang. She walked out into a giant domed chamber.

She kept her mask lifted as she gawked at the beauty of the room. The ceiling depicted scenes of famous Alchemists in their most glorious moments. The area was lit by, not only, torches, but trees and swirls of paint that seem to give off natural daylight. There was a short garden maze which was not really created for a challenge, but more for liesure. The air was filled with the sweet scent of roses-

" Hello, how 'dya doin', " a little boy asked.

" I'm doing fi-," Faria glanced at the boy again and found Owl in his place. " How did you do that?" she asked curiously.

" Wavelengths," Isandylle shrugged. " Welcome to the Swirdin Alchemic society's main branch!" she greeted, gesturing at the sight in front of them. " I hope it does not disappoint."

Faria let her mask drop and she stared at the little girl with an odd mixture of shock, glee, and confusion. "I'm.. I'm speechless." she blurted out.

" Well, you're technically not speechless because you just said something. " Isandylle smiled.

"Owl, did you do this? All of this?" Faria said, waving her hand.

"Well, technically no, but I did help with the development. Anyway, let's push that down and get back to business. "

Owl started walking and Faria followed her. She turned a corner which led to a torch-lit, stone hallway.

" Why don't you release those?" Faria inquired.

" Release what?" Isandylle returned, without stopping to look at her.

They turned another corner.

" The glowing swirls, the transporter device, everything!"

" Would you accept it?"

" Of course!"

Isandylle stopped and let out a forced laugh. She turned her head to Faria and raised her voice slightly, " You're all scared of radioes, and despise floatation devices. How would Swirdin react whe we say ' Hey, we have an arsenal of super advanced, super useful Alchemic creations.' Will they love it or will they kill us for treason?"

Faria opened her mouth to say something, but stopped. Isandylle turned back to walking. They stopped at a curved wall and Isandylle pressed a medallion onto a circular slot. The wall closed over the medallion and slid open to reveal a circular white chamber. Owl stepped in and Faria folowed. The door slid shut. There was a slight push on their heads, but before it became annoying, the door slid open to reveal a giant, enclosed workshop with no windows.

"Here's my bedroom. Find a chair and take a seat. The real show is about to begin." Isandylle said with a rough voice.

Alchemi ( volume 1 of the "Swirdiniad " seriesWhere stories live. Discover now