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Ryu sighs and looks at the sun. A drop of sweat slid off his forehead and onto the Trascesk. Why do Tracesks have to be so slow? The large reptile reached the top of a hill and Ryu could finally see the vague outline of the 16th Straight, the wall that divides the empire of Xin-Hai from Swirdiniad. His frown slowly turned into a grin and he whipped his Tracesk to go faster.

The faster the Tracesks walk, the louder the moans of the slaves. Ryu was worried that his wares were uncomfortable, so he tried to scan the landscape for a source of fresh water. There, a small creek, but it was way out of their route. Never mind, Ryu could always backtrack. Ryu steered his Reptilian beast in the direction of the creek. He hopped off and cupped some fresh water in his hands and sipped it.

It was cool, and had a slight metallic taste. He decided that the liquid was safe to drink, so he let the poor men out of their prison cells. The men tried to run out of the cells, but their feet were shackled together. Most of the ones behind the men who tried to sprint, fell down on their backs. Ryu was tempted to unlock the shackles, but decided otherwise.

When Ryu glanced in the direction of their storage wagon, a fat man emerged from the inside.He walked over to Ryu and complained " We are horribly behind schedule! Why are you letting these scums drink?" To show who he was talking about, the chubby man kicked one of the slaves.

Ryu looked away from the sight. His companion held him by the chin and said " Get back on your Trascesk and start rounding up this mess" he gestured to their wares and walked back to his wagon

Ryu nodded and ran off to do what was commanded. When he was done, he climbed back onto his Trascesk. He hit its flank and the Trascesk started moving.

Curse that man, Ryu will show him how it feels, one day; not now.

Ryu was eyeing the men and the road in front of him when he passed an old woman carrying a staff. He gritted his teeth. Should he risk his job another time by helping this woman or should he not mind. His heart was racing and he couldn't stand it anymore; he stopped the Trascesk and slid off. His feet hit the ground, blowing up dust particles.

The old woman stopped, rurned her head and starred at him curiously. Ryu eyed her pockets, the first thing a sane slaver would do, and noted that there were multiple leather pouches strapped on the lady's waist. Each of them had different symbols which Ryu could not understand. The pouches must've been weighing her down because the fabric of the woman's dress was stretched downwards.

" Fengduan Shayrun." Ryu greeted while putting his index finger onto his lips and bowing, the polite gesture of Xiniangs to elderly women.

" Yundai Viyufang. " the traveler replied, copying Ryu's gesture.

Ryu was delighted to finally meet someone from the capital, Xiang-xin. He did not show his real level of excitement, but he smiled in response.

the old woman switched into Swirdiniad and asked " What is a Xiangren doing on the 16th straight?"

" Ask yourself that." Ryu said.

" I'm not a Xiangren. " the old woman said. " I am Rafitagana Santillantigo, a humble traveller from Sempat-Naguru."

Ryu nodded calmly, but inside, his head was squeeling. It had been days since he'd met a person who knew their traditions. Not even Tarash knew a single word from the language.

" Where are you headed to? " Ryu prodded.

" I'm going to Swirdin. " she replied calmly.

Swirdin was within Ryu's route. He hoped that Tarash wouldn't mind having an extra companion.

" Would you like to join our humble caravan. We are also headed to Swirdin. "

Rafitagana was about to agree, but hesitated. " Ummm... I may be a burden to you. "

" It's not a problem. You could keep us entertained by telling us your many stories. I could tell you've travelled far and wide. "

Rafitagana stood there, considering and she finally nodded. " Thank you, young man."

" Not a problem. Could I help you up the Trascesk?"  Ryu offered, clinbing up the creature.

" Yes, please. "

Ryu offered a hand. Rafitagana held it and was hoisted up onto the the saddle and let her feet dangle off the side.

Alchemi ( volume 1 of the "Swirdiniad " seriesWhere stories live. Discover now