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I felt uncomfortable, my eyes were closed. A cold sweat went down my brow. I knew I wasn't home.

I slowly opened my eyes, only to be greeted with a ray of light. I groaned and tried to move.

There were restraints on my wrists and my ankles. I struggled to move only to stop when a dark figure sat across from me.

I gulped and stopped moving. I was paralyzed with fear. Kylo Ren was in front of me.

"Y-You. Who are you?" I asked with fear in my voice. I knew who he was but fear messed up my mind.

He was silent, only staring at me. I gulped.

Then he started breathing deeply. He then stood up and walked toward me. "I wish to say the same." A deep voice came out from the dark mask.

"Well I'm not telling you who I am until yo--"

An intense pain enveloped my neck, like a hot fist choking it. Kylo's arm was extended and I could only think about my neck.

My wrists were restrained and I couldn't do anything. Only hot tears brimmed my eyes.

I opened my mouth to speak, but only a choked gasp came out. I was shaking visibly. The pain was too much to hold.

Then the pain stopped and he lowered his arm, but he kept his position, staring at me.

I wish I could massage my neck but my wrists were in restraints. Breathing was the substitute for it.

"Now. What is your name?" He asked sternly.

"B-Bella. Bella Calway." I stuttered.

He was silent for a moment and soon the restraints were off. I sighed with relief but before I can get off, he pulled me and I stumbled on him.

"Stand like a normal person." He said sternly. With his head, he gestured two storm troopers to me.

They both nodded their heads. One of them used a gun to move me and I walked.

Kylo then walked somewhere else. I swore in the corner of my eye, he was staring at me.

I gulped back tears as I walked down the long hallways. The storm trooper in front of me was leading my way to my room.

I guess I'm going to stay here forever. I'm on the Dark Side.

After we walked down the long hallways, we stopped in front of the door to my room.

"Stay in your room until Mister Ren calls for you." The storm trooper said before leaving me in front of the door. The other storm trooper walked with him but he turned around just to keep watch of me.

I gulped and looked at the door to my room.

Now this is your chance to escape Bella. You need to escape!

But I did the opposite, I opened the door to my room and walked in.

The room was fairly large but not homely. There was a large cot, a dresser in one corner, a vanity, and a door labeled bathroom.

This might take a long time to get used to.

I sighed and walked to the vanity and looked at myself in the mirror. My once neat hair was messed up and stringy. My makeup was smeared. There a bruise and a small cut on my cheek.

I put my finger on the bruise and cut and winced in pain. Tears brimmed my eyes from the pain.

I looked at myself in the mirror and thought of the last memory of home.

I was idly walking around with General Leia.

It was another workless day at the Resistance. So everyone was mostly having their break time.

Finn was still recovering from the critical injury from the incident that happened a month ago. Rey was still comforting him along with Poe.

R2D2 and Bb-8 were busy chatting with eachother.

Everyone else was doing their business.

"Are you sure you can do this? I don't want anything to happen like last time." Her voice cracked, she wiped a tear drop.

I put my hand on her shoulder and comforted her. I remembered the tragedy, that struck everyone's hearts but not as much as Genereal Leia's.

"It'll be okay. I'm very skillful." I said smiling.

"Okay then." She said softly. "But be careful." She added.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine." I smiled and rested my head on her shoulder.

I yawned and stretched my arms as I sat in front of the vanity. I stood up and crashed on the cot.

My eyes were closed and I slept. Dreaming of home.

Broken Doll (Star Wars: Kylo Ren)Where stories live. Discover now