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"Bella.." Leia called out. I could see she was breaking. Finn, Poe, and Rey looked at me with disbelief. In a distance far away, I could see the droids. Who had almost the same look as them.

I haven't responded, I just stood there.

Leia slowly walked toward me from the group. Finn and Rey positioned themselves, in case if anyone was going to attack her. As she got closer, the look on her face was almost too hurtful to look at. Ben turned on his light saber and held it in front of me.

"Don't even touch her, Leia." His words were stern and controlling. Everyone was tense and silent, waiting for the next thing.

General Leia slowed down and stopped a feet away from me, looking at both, me and Ben.

"This isn't you." She said to me, the same disbelief look the others have given me. "Bella, I can't believe it."

I stared at her in silence. I didn't know what to say nor what to do. Ben turned to me, then his mother and sighed. 

"You know you're wasting your time. Go back to your little base while Bella and I stay here, happily." He turned to me and I looked at him. We both smiled and I held his hand. 

Everyone was in shock, their eyes widened, their jaws dropped. 

Rey, who stood in silence the entire time, stepped out of the group, walking until she was right next to Leia. "Y-You two are dating?!" She gasped and gave me the same look of disbelief. "You're kidding me, right? Please tell me you're kidding Bella."

"No." I finally said. "I'm not kidding. We're in love." I looked at the white ground. Her stares were piercing through me, making me uncomfortable.

"You said you would never join the Dark Side, better yet fall in love with anyone in the First Order. Yet, you're in love with him?! Kylo Ren, the commander of the First Order?" Rey said, her arms crossed over her chest. "You've betrayed us, Calway."

"His name is Ben." I said softly. It was all I could say. 

Leia's face softened, like she was about to cry. 

"Is that all you have to say?" Rey threw her arms up in the air with frustration. "We all thought you were dead from the past months. Did you know how worried sick we were?! You could've sent us a message to let us know you were alive, but you just fell in love with a Darth Vader-Obsessed freak." She pointed to Ben, whose chest heaved heavily. His face furrowed into anger.

Then he quickly charged toward Rey and I watched helplessly. 

He raised his light saber when he was a short distance away from her and was midway from slashing her but someone stepped in front of her, their back facing him. Then there was a long slash mark on their back and that person fell onto the ground. 

Rey looked at the person and screamed in anguish. It took me a second to realize who it was. General Leia. 

Without thinking, I screamed and ran to her fallen body. Everyone from the Resistance - including the droids - ran to her.

"Leia!" I shook her and then took off my hooded cape, laid it on the ground and flipped her body over, so I can see her face. 

"Leia!" I screamed again. Hot tears had blurred my vision.


OOooOooH~ Sorry to leave you guys on this part of the scene.. Don't kill me. 

Well readers, I hope you liked this chapter. Hopefully I didn't make you cry or something else.. :)

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