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I haven't talked to Ben in a week. It pained me but he deserved it. I mean, he was going to destroy my home! All the people that were my family.

Every time we see each other, we give each other a quick look and walk past like we didn't know each other. I saw the hurt look in his eyes, but it didn't matter. Anger took over me to notice.

I was in the training room, just fighting droid-like dummies. It was silent and peaceful until the door opened.

Ben walked in. His eyes widened with surprise. I was almost surprised myself when he didn't walk out the door.

I breathed in deeply and continued, avoiding him looking at me. Over time it was awkward and I started getting uncomfortable.

"What do you want?" I asked coldly. I didn't like feeling awkward. Even though Ben made me angry, I couldn't help but spark a small conversation.

Ben blinked and walked towards me. I tensed up a bit when he was only a few inches away from me. I can smell almost strong cologne.

"Bella. I miss you." He said, his voice cracking.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Really? Then how come you didn't say that to me before?"

"You shut me out a week ago. I was just trying to say I didn't want to destroy the Resistance."

"You liar." I snarled. "You're doing this so I can go back to you."

However I felt this tiny feeling he was telling the truth. Just a tiny feeling.

"Bella. I'm not lying." He said, tears were almost visible in his eyes. "I was trying to stop them from doing it."

"Ben. If you were, take me to that room. Now."

"I-I can't. Only me and Hux can go there."

I sighed and continued striking the dummy until it broke and was unusable. "Then what other way can you prove it to me?"

He looked at me for a second and in a split second, I was on the ground with my eyes closed. Then I felt weight on top of me. His hands were pinning mine against the cushioned floor. Our faces an inch away from each other.

His eyes were puffy and red. His face was pale.

I was in silence, waiting for the next thing to happen.

"I love you Bella. I would never make you unhappy."

Then his lips were firmly pressed against mine. His hands then let go of my hands and now cupping my face.

I felt a small spark in between us. The spark that I had nearly yearned for, for the past week. I kissed him back and I can feel him smile in the kiss.

I did the same thing back and broke the kiss soon after. Our faces were inches apart.

"I had to admit. It pained me ignoring you over the past week."

"What can I say? I'm irresistible." He smiled before getting off of me and pulled me up with his arm.

"So do you forgive me?" He asked softly.

I nodded and hugged him.

Then there was a large explosion, the ground shook and the sounds of an alarm. I could hear jets flying by.

"Oh no." Ben said looking around worriedly. "We have to get out of here."

Then he grabbed my arm and we both ran.

dun Dun DUN...

What's going to happen next?

Oh wait, I'm the author..

Well I hope you guys liked this and super duper sorry the chapter is a bit short. ^^

We'll have a wonderful day and hoped I have lightened your Monday! :)

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