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I woke to the sound of loud banging. I sat up quickly from bed, looking at the door.

The door then slid up, revealing Kylo and a couple of Storm Troopers behind him.

In Kylo's hand was his light saber, the light saber that caused the tragedy. I stared at it until he yelled. I snapped back to reality.

"Bella! Why aren't you answering me?!" He screamed, he shut the door behind him leaving only me and him in my room.

"What were you asking?" I said softly. My throat sore from coughing last night.

"I asked have you changed into your new clothes?" He said.

"I haven't seen them." I said, I looked around the room for it but there was nothing.

"It's right there on the cot that you've been sleeping on." He said with anger in his tone as he gestured his head to the end of the cot.

I followed his gaze and looked at the end of cot. The clothes that looked like they were once folded neatly was now messed up because of me.

"Oh." I laughed nervously. "I didn't see it."

I grabbed the clothing and ran to the bathroom, trying hard not to be stiff from Kylo's long stare.

I locked the door of the bathroom and leaned against it. The bathroom was almost like the bedroom except it was twice as small and simpler. I looked at the clothing I was holding and sighed.

My mission was a complete failure.

I went toward the shower and turned it on. I stripped off my old clothes and tossed them into the hamper. Goosebumps had instantly formed and I quickly jumped into the shower once the water was warm.

After I dried myself off, I changed into my new clothes.

A black leather jacket, a plain grey shirt, black jeans, and a pair of black leather boots.

After done dressing, I brushed my teeth and styled my hair into a high ponytail.

I fixed myself once more before taking a deep breath and walking out of the bathroom. I opened the door slowly and quietly as I peeked through the crack of the door.

Instead of Kylo, there was a man in a dark suit with no helmet, his back turned away.

I closed the door, making the man whirl around in surprise. The man quickly put his helmet back on and I realized it was actually Kylo.

"What were you doing that was taking so long?" He asked quickly.

"I was getting ready. I'm sorry it took so long." I said nervously.

"Well hurry it up next time. Come." He gestured with his hand, beckoning me to come near.

I was hesitant with my steps.

"Hurry up!" He turned on his light saber quickly, making me quicken my pace until I was a few inches away from him.

"Now why were you here yesterday?" He asked suddenly.

"I was exploring and I found this place." I lied. It was a mission.

"Liar!" He slashed his light saber against the wall of the bedroom many times before cooling down.

He pointed his finger at me and I gulped. "It was for a mission. Isn't it?" He said suspiciously, walking toward me until my back was against the wall.


His light saber was right near my throat. I can hear the sound of it and the sparks crackling next to my neck, stinging it.

"Okay it was for a mission!" I confessed. "It was to check what the First Order was doing."

Kylo turned off his light saber. He pressed himself toward me and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look into the dark eyes of his mask.

"This would've gone easier if you spoke the truth the first time." He said then grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of my room.

"Where are we going?" I asked. I was truly. He was so unpredictable, who knows he might take me to a room and murder me.

"You'll find out when we get there."

His grip on my wrists tightened and I silently winced in pain. This dude really likes pain doesn't he?

It felt like years walking through the humongous fortress. Everywhere I looked, Storm Troopers turn and stare at the both of us. 

I lowered my head avoided the stares from them. In front of me, Kylo walked with full authority through the fortress. I looked up to his head - he was quite taller than me, around ten inches or so.

We both walked until we reached a room where I can hear slashing inside.

This is the end Bella. This is the end.

Kylo then let go of my wrists and turned to me. I looked at him with fear, he's going to kill me.

"Welcome to the Dark Side." He said before opening the door.


I have updated Broken Doll!  Well I hope you guys liked this, and make sure to vote and comment, if you want! ^^

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