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I woke up not in a cave but in a room. I looked around me but there were some things that blocked them. I blinked a couple of times to get used to it. Instead I looked straight ahead and saw almost pitch black.

I knew for sure I wasn't outside. Or am I just going crazy?

I looked at at the ceiling only with a ray of light that almost burned my eye. I had to blink a couple of times to stop tears from stinging.

Okay, I'm not crazy. I'm definitely in a room. Alarmed, I tried to move but I couldn't.

Why can't I move? Where am I?

Then suddenly there was a familiar aura when I first came to the fortress. No.

It can't be. It shouldn't be.

I was miles away from the fortress. There was no way I'm back here.

I moved uncontrollably. Not minding the restraints were tearing my skin, making it raw.

"Help! Someone! Get me out of here!"

I had received no reply. But the lights went on. I looked in front of me. The same dark figure from before, but without his helmet.

I gasped and turned my head to the other direction, except I can't. Kylo was sitting across from me like before.

Is this some deja vu thing? Why is it like before?

"Let me go!" I screamed. I didn't want to go through the same process, again.

"I can't, you'll run off."

"Why am I here? You said I could leave." I asked, confused and angered at the same time.

"I changed my mind. I don't you want to leave." He said as he ruffled his hair. "Also I put a bit of something in your water."

"Why? Is there something I should know?" I continued to wriggle in the restraints.

"Yes, you're our only source to take us to the Resistance. That's why, you're here." He said as he stood up from his chair and grabbed my chin.

"You're the worst mentor." I gritted through my teeth as I looked into his face. His attractive yet disgusting face, and seeing the large scar across his face again.

"Thank you and I plan to be much more worse." He smirked at me.

Much worse? He can't even control his tantrums. Well, if that counts.

"You're just trying to be the next Darth Vader, aren't you?" I retorted. This time, I was the one smirking.

"You better shut up now." He said, his eyes lit up with fury. "Now, join the Dark Side. Or we can do it the hard way."

I wasn't going to join the Dark Side easily. I didn't care if I was going to go through the hard way.

"No. I'm not. I don't care if you'll kill me. At least I won't die being part of the Dark Side."

Kylo was silent for a moment. Then he instantly extended his arm and a hard deep pain enveloped me. He was using the force.

It was painful, too painful. I shook as he watched with fury in his eyes. He slyly smiled and his arm went closer and the force became much more for me to handle.

I tried to scream or even talk but instead I let out a sound like a small scared kitten.

I can see him chuckle as he continued using the force against me. "Ready to join the Dark Side Calway?"

What happened to Bella? Why Calway..

I tried to gulp but couldn't instead I looked directly into his eyes. I said it with no hesitation.

"Yes, I'm ready." I said with no emotion.


Well crap. Some way to bring back a girl Kylo...

Well I reached 1k+ reads on this story! I'm kind of late on this but oh well. But I actually never thought I would reach that many readers especially in a short amount of time! Ugh, thank you all to the readers that had voted, commented, and last but not least - you silent readers!

If it weren't for you guys, I wouldn't have reached this achievement. Thank you so much loves! *sends virtual cookies to everyone*

And I hope you guys like/love this chapter! Stay tuned for the next chapter! ^^

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