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"Leia!" I screamed again. This time, Rey stopped me.

I looked into her eyes. Eyes that lit up with anger and disappointment.

"This is all your fault. This wouldn't have happened if you didn't join the Dark Side." She gritted her teeth.

I turned to Ben who stood, looking at Leia's weak and frail body. His face was almost expressionless.  I was expecting him to go away or not care.

But then he did something I didn't expect - or anyone really - he got into his knees. He then took off his helmet and stared at Leia's snow-covered face and cry.

I stared in astonishment. I was pretty sure everyone was too. Maybe the storm troopers behind us.

"Leia." He said over and over. Softly shaking her. I patted his back, comforting him. Wiping a tear off of his cold face.

"Mom.." He softly said. A tear of his fell on her face.

Everyone was silent except for him. He didn't seem to care, only the woman who laid on the freezing ground. I wiped a tear off my face. The rest showed no emotions but deep inside, they were dying.

"Ben.." Leia croaked. Her hand shakily moved to her son's face and caressed it. "You have no idea.. How long I have yearned to hear that word from you." She hoarsely said.

Everyone cheered with delight. She was okay!

For once, I saw Ben cracked a smile and held her hand. "You have no idea. How long I have waited to see you. Mom."

I smiled and in the corner of my eye, Rey was smiling too, but it was a small smile.

"Leia. I'm glad you're alive." My voice started cracking. "I'm sorry for all the things I have done to make you and the Resistance suffer." I was silent for a moment. "I'm sorry."

She cracked a small smile and breathed in. "That's alright Bella. I'm just happy that you're with me now, with my son." Leia turned to Ben who looked at me, lovingly.

"Now join us Ben. Join the Resistance." She said to him.

His eyes widened and he looked at her. "Join.?" Then he shook his head. "I can't."

Leia's eyes brimmed with tears. "Ben. Please. Join us." Her voice cracking.

Everyone including me was staring at Ben intensely, waiting for the next thing to happen. Rey readied herself, in case if he was about to strike Leia, again.

"I have to finish what he had started." Ben said after he breathed out. He then stood up, grabbed his helmet and my hand, walking away from Leia. It pained me to see the stance she was in before I turned around.

"Ben!" She managed to yell out. "I have something to tell you."

Ben and I stopped in our tracks and we both turned around. I could see that he didn't want to listen.

"Your grandfather.. Did you know how he ended up?"

"Of course. He was on the Dark Side."

"No.. Ben. No.. Your grandfather died by saving your uncle. He was good."

"That's a lie. He didn't." Ben softly said.

"Ben. Listen to me. I'm telling the truth." Her voice cracked again. "He was good at the end. You wanted to be like him, so please.."

"I can't, Leia. Everyone in the First Order is counting on me."

"And everyone in the Resistance is counting on you to join." Leia said her voice rising. "You don't want to die while being on the Dark Side. Do you?"

I looked at him in the eyes, pleading for him to join. He stared back at me, silent.

"Yes or no Ben. Are you joining us?"

Ben didn't divert his attention to anyone but me. I gulped.

Please join Ben. We can live happily together. I have already joined, please Ben. I love you..

It seemed like he read my mind. Then I heard a thump. Everyone gasped. I don't know what made that sound, I was still looking at him, his expressionless face.

Is it weird to say that red velvet cupcakes made me complete this chapter in an hour? They're just soo good!

I read the comments on XVI and died of laughter. You guys really love this story.

Hope you guys liked the chapter! And don't kill me this time.. Oh okay then, you guys can kill me..

*sends sweets to readers and dies*

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