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I felt better the next day, being able to move without getting dizzy and stuff. Finn walked up to me with BB-8 by his side.

"Bella! How are you?" Finn said as BB-8 beeped along with him. He looked down at BB-8 and scolded him.

I laughed and put my hand on Finn's shoulders. "I'm great. I'm not getting dizzy whenever walking." I smiled down at BB-8 who beeped happily.

"That's great! Anyway, I'm on my way to check up on Leia. Wanna come with?"

I had forgotten to check on Leia the other day. Probably because my head really hated me yesterday.

"Of course! Let's go."

We walked to the medical room, hoping Leia was okay.


Once we've reached the medical room, Leia was already in bed, like she was waiting for us.

"Bella.. Finn.. BB-8.. How are you guys?" She said weakly.

I sat on the chair next to her bed and took her hand. "How are you feeling Leia?"

"I'm well. Thank you. Say what are you guys doing here?"

"We just came to check on you. Everyone's pretty worried about you." Finn said as BB-8 beeped along.

Leia smiled, shifted herself in her bed and sighed. "I know. But I'm fine now. A little tired but I'm fine."

"That's great. Make sure you get plenty of rest okay? Now if you'll excuse me, I got to go to Poe. Come on BB-8."

Finn got up from his chair and left the room with BB-8 who turned around and beeped. "BB-8.." Finn quietly scolded.

As soon the door closes, Leia turned to me. "How's Ben?" She asked.

My eyes widened. "I don't know. I haven't seen him since that day." I scratched the back of neck. "Why ask?"

"You know a mother's role. They worry about their kid, even if their kid almost killed them." She joked as she bitterly smiled.

"Well I don't know about him. Do you want me to check up on him?" It seemed like a stupid idea to do but I would do anything to make Leia happy.

"Please. Give him a tray of food, I don't think he has eaten." She said worriedly.

"Okay then." My voice soft and faint. "I'll do it."

"Thank you. Thank you so much Bella." She leaned in and planted a kiss on my forehead.

"You're welcome. Anything to make you happy." I got up and looked at her. "Hope you feel better."

She nodded as I walked out the door.


My stomach twisted as I walked down the stairs that led to the underground dungeon with the train my hands. My light saber hung on my belt, in case things turned badly.

Each step I took, I could feel my heart pound against my chest. My hands trembled and felt sweaty.

Once I have reached the end of stairs, the walkway was wide with cells on each side. All of them were empty except for the one at the end.

My heart was now beating crazier than ever. My head started to feel light.

I was now about two feet away from the cell. The sight in front of me broke me.

Ben sat down on the stone ground, cross-legged. His head hung down, and his once luscious hair was a stringy mess. I could his helmet in the corner of the room.

Where's his light saber?

After inspecting the cell silently, I was glad he didn't have it.

"Ben.." I said softly.

His head instantly went up when he heard me. Then he ran up to the bars and cried, shaking it with his fury.

"Bella." He shouted and cracked.

I cautiously slid the tray under the bars so he could eat. "Here. You need to eat. Leia's orders." My voice trembling.

He ignored the tray of food, his only focus was on me.

"I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to.." His voice soft. His hand reached out to me and I backed away a bit.

His eyes widened and he lowered his head, his cries muffled. I could only watch.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked, changing the conversation.


"Are you feeling okay?" I repeated.

Ben sighed in defeat. "I'm not. I need you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Bella."

"Ben, all I asked is if you were okay." I softly said. "I don't want to hear anything else."

"If you could just listen to me Bella. I didn't mean to hurt you nor Leia."

"Then what about Han? Did you mean it?"

Ben was silent for a moment. "That doesn't matter now." His lips started to quiver. I almost wanted to run up and hug him. Almost.

"Ben. Just eat. I have to go." I walked away soon after.

"Bella! Wait!" He called out.

But I didn't stop, I ignored him and continued to walk. It pained me but I had to do it.

I am so cold right now. It is snowing here and I can't wait to play in it even though I'm "too old." Oh well, haters gonna hate.

Anyway, I reached 22k+ reads and over 1k+ votes! I didn't really expect to reach that growth - and in such a short time! I just want to thank you guys so much! :*

Hope you like the chapter and stay tuned for the next! :)

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