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I sat in my bed, looking out the window that showed the night sky which was almost empty of stars. It reminded me of a wonderful memory. Back at the fortress, when me and Ben were together, happy.

Ben and I stood on the ledge of his room that overlooked the outside landscape of the fortress.

"I'm dumb enough not to show you this." He chuckled to himself, his hand resting on mine.

"You are. I mean, this is too beautiful to even forget."

My eyes twinkled as the night sky in front of us was filled with bright stars. It was beautiful, like the ones back home.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Ben looking at me. I turned to him.

"What are you looking at?" I smiled.

He leaned in closer and planted a kiss on my lip. My face became red and hot and I covered them.

"Hey, don't cover your face. You look beautiful."

"Ben. Stop making me blush." I hit him against the shoulder lightly.

"It's my job. To make my girlfriend blush by doing sweet things."

I giggled and looked at the sky again.

"I guess. Even if you're a sweet liar." I turned to him again and smiled.

"Okay then, but I'll make you believe me." He said.

"By doing what?" I asked.

He leaned in and kissed me again, but this time more romantically. I smiled and kissed him back.

I was still looking out the window. To the starless night. I yawned and laid down in bed. I turned to the wall. Usually I would go straight to sleep. But this time, I cried.

The next morning, I woke up with a sticky face and dried snot on my nose. My head was pounding. When was the last time I have cried this hard?

I went to get ready and to change into new clothes.

After changing and getting ready, I stared at myself in the mirror. My face looked already better than twenty minutes ago. No signs of pain at all. I sat and stared at myself, satisfied.

I went out of my room and saw everyone hurrying themselves. The first thing to do was check up on Leia.

Everyone greeted to me hello as I walked past. I greeted them with a smile and continued walking to the medical room.

The doors were glass so I could see what was going on in Leia's room. I opened the door and everyone in the room stood up to my presence. I noticed Rey, Finn, Poe, and others in the room, looking at me.

"Hello everyone." I nervously waved. But there was no reply. I awkwardly put my hand down and stood there.

"Bella. Did something happen between you and Ben yesterday?" Leia broke the silence and which everyone instantly sat down on their chairs.

I shook my head. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"He's starting to get more - I guess crazy - lately. He keeps running himself into the bars and walls and he keeps on calling your name each time someone else takes care of him." Leia said worriedly.

"Oh." Did I really break him that much?

"He said sorry to me a couple of times. He said he didn't mean to hurt neither of us. But I didn't forgive him or anything."

Leia looked at me and then at her hands. She let out a breath and looked at me.

"Ben is sensitive. Very sensitive. As you can see from his temper tantrums."

Everyone seemed to agreed as they all nodded.

"But the reason he's like that is because he cares and is passionate about it." Leia paused for a moment. "He cares about you. He's passionate about you."

Rey instantly shot up from her chair.

"Did you not see him using the Force on her? He seems to be more passionate about the First Order than her - us actually."

Leia sighed. "Sometimes he's nice, sometimes he's mean and cruel. But he was being pressured. I know he didn't mean that. He's.....my son."

Rey sank back into her seat and stared at the ceiling. "Then- should we all go down to the dungeon and see? If he cares and is passionate about her?"

Everyone in the room agreed in unison. While I stood silently in the middle of the room.

When the noise died down, they all looked at me, waiting for an answer.

"Okay.. We can all go."

Sorry if the update is a bit late. I was being lazy and stuff after having to shovel snow from the driveway.

Well, I hope you guys like the chapter.. Hopefully..

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