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I sat on my chair in my dark bedroom. I pondered on it, when everyone else was sleeping.

Snoke was behind all of this. He manipulated Ben and caused all the pain to all of us. I had to do something about it. But I had to take someone with me, someone he knew.


I got up from chair and packed essentials in a tiny sack. Quietly, I opened the door and went down to the dungeon.

As I walked down the stairs, it was unusually silent. But I shrugged it off and continued going down.

When I reached the end of the stairs, I looked ahead of me and saw darkness. I grabbed my light saber, turned it on and lit the way. In case if something happens.

When I reached the end of the hallway - which was Ben's cell - I looked into it and saw nothing. But then I noticed there was a large open gap like the bars were melted.

I gasped. It couldn't be. I turned off my light saber and inspected it.

That's when I felt something brushing my upper back. I gulped and cautiously turned around with my eyes closed. Then a pain enveloped my neck again which made me instantly open my eyes and I thrown into Ben's cell, my back hit the stone wall. Hard. Thankfully the pain around my neck was gone.

I didn't know who or what did that to me. But then my chin was grabbed and my eyes were forced to look into a pair of eyes. The familiar brown doe eyes.

"Ben.." I croaked out.

In the corner of my eyes, I can see his light saber - it wasn't on. Thankfully.

"W-What are you doing?" I asked with fear in my voice.

Was it Snoke manipulating him? Or something else..

"I'm doing what had to be done a while ago."

I gulped and shifted myself under him.

Ben. I know you're better than this. Snoke is manipulating you, don't do anything he says. Please.

But he didn't read my mind - I think - and turned on his light saber and put it next to my neck.

The sound was dominating my ears. That horrifying sound, the sparks that were stinging my neck. I tried to move but with Ben's weight on me, I couldn't.

He then raised his light saber, ready to slice me in half. I shut my eyes and waited for my death.

Seems like my first love story will end in a tragedy.

But over a short time, I felt nothing. I cautiously opened my eyes.

Ben was still in the same position by looking at his facial expressions, it seemed like he wanted it to stop.

"I can't.." He finally said softly and sat next to me. His light saber was then turned off and he threw it on the other side of the cell.

"I can't.." Ben buried his head into his hands and sobbed. I looked at him, wanting to do something.

"Ben." I said as I put my hand on his cloaked shoulders. "What's wrong?"

"Leave me alone before I hurt you. Just leave me, lock me up in another cell. I don't care." He looked up from his hands and looked at me with his red, puffy eyes. His face stained with tears.

"Ben. I won't leave you. Now come on." We're going to the fortress."

I stood up and extended my arm, waiting for him to do something.

"Why? You're putting yourself at risk."

"Just come with me."

Ben was hesitant but he finally took my hand and we both quietly ran out to where the planes were. He looked around and turned to something.

I looked at him and then to whatever he was looking at.

The Millennium Falcon.

"Can we go there Bella? I need to see something." He asked, looking at me.

I nodded and we both went there. He opened the hatch and walked in. I gasped at the sight of it. It was the first time I had actually been inside.

Ben sat in cockpit and looked out the window. His head rested on his palm. I smiled and sat on the seat next to him.

"This brings back so much memories." He said softly.

My eyes widened and I turned to him. I didn't expect for him, to say that.

He wiped his eyes and buried his head into his hands. Than I heard muffled cries.

"Ben.." I said as I pat his back. "It's okay."

His head rise from his hands. "I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't."

Then he bursted into tears and hugged me. I wiped a tear from my eye. I laid my head on his.

"I know. I know."


Long time no see! I finally got food today so I'm really happy about that. In fact I'm eating some right now..

I hope you guys liked this chapter even if it's super crappy but I'm too lazy to fix it..

Oh well.. ^^

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