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I was in my room, changing my clothes into something less sweaty and less smelly.

As I finished dressing up, the door slid open and there were thundering footsteps. I straightened myself up and turned around, expecting Kylo.

But instead it was a storm trooper but not in white armor but in chrome. The storm trooper was holding some kind of blaster in their hands.

I never saw this kind of storm trooper before. Nervously I waved.


"Hello. I'm Captain Phasma. Kylo sent me here to take you to his room." She said with no expression.

So this is Captain Phasma? Her armor is more cooler in person.

His room.. I wonder why he wants me there.


Captain Phasma went to first while I silently followed her. It was pretty awkward, walking down the hallway together.

When we reached the door to his room, she left when I stood in front of the door. I looked at her when she walked, her back turned to me. She is just so cool.

I pressed the button and the door to Kylo's room slid open. The room was dimly lit but with my knowledge his room has got to be much more better and luxurious maybe..?

I walked in slowly, expecting some kind of scare or something but there was nothing. I turned on the lights, expecting Kylo to do something.

But nope, I just saw luxury. The bed was a two post. There were floating lights that wee on both sides of the bed. The walls were painted white with intricate designs on the walls and beautiful paintings that hung on the wall.

I would say more but there was too much to describe.

I sat on the bed, waiting for him to pop out and do something.

Then a pair of hands covered my eyes. I smiled.

"Kylo, I know it's you." I laughed.

"No, it's Ben now. Well, when I'm around you." He chuckled as he pulled down the bed and all I could see was his face staring down at me, upside down.

"Okay then. Ben." I chuckled as I leaned in and planted on him. "So you finished with the thing?"

"Yeah-" He sighed before continuing. "It was pretty boring. But good thing it was short."

He laid down next to me on the bed and turned to me. "I'm tired." He said tiredly.

"Then go to sleep." I said. Why does he need to say that?"

"Okay, then sleep with me then." He said smirking.

Oh, what a pervert. But this is like the first time I had slept, with a guy.

"O-Okay. But don't do anything weird!" I was pretty sure my face was as red as a tomato.

"Okay I won't do anything." He said as he put his head on the pillow and pulling the covers on him. "Unless you want me to." He smiled slyly.

This boy..

"Don't." I pulled the covers up and looked at him, our faces a few inches away from each other. "Just don't."

"Okay." He clapped his hands two times and the lights started to shut off except the floating lights that were beside his bed.

He grabbed my the waist and held me close to his chest. I blushed and smiled.

Soon I heard light snores and soon I was sleeping. With warmth and love.


Sorry for the delay of the chapter. I was a bit busy yesterday so I didn't have the time to update.

Hope you guys like it!

School tomorrow.. UGH

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