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Everyone ran around, alarmed. I was still with Ben, who looked around frantically, trying to figure out what was going on. Then the ground shook again.

"Oh no.." He said softly. "We're under attack." Then he pulled me out the door and down to the control room where every worker was frantically running around.

"Hux! What's going on?" Ben said storming up to Hux who had a panicked yet angry look on his face. Phasma stood by, surprisingly calm.

"The Resistance is attacking us!" He said then pointed his finger at Ben. "And it's all your fault!"

I gasped and turned to Ben who gave him a stern look. He was about to open his mouth when the ground shook tremendously again, but this time it was knocking all of us off our feet.

"Send the planes out!" Ben ordered as he laid on the ground.

Hux then nodded his head and sent out the planes.

Outside the control room window, I could see the planes launching off and out the fortress. The ones that Poe had told me about.

Everyone was now on their feet.

Ben held me up and took his light saber out from his belt. He then took my hand. "Come on Bella. We have people to get rid of." Then we ran to my room to get my light saber.

Ben put on his helmet, covering his attractive self. While I got a dark hooded cape.

As soon as we got finished changing, we ran outside the fortress with dozens of storm troopers trailing after us. The freezing wind blew against our faces.

The wind whipped my cold hair against my face. Stinging it with each step.

I covered my fave as we walked. Squinting through the white wind, there was a faint rectangular blue light. It couldn't be? Could it?

We were now a few meters away from the light. The forest was clear and there was only a group of people in front of us. From the Resistance.

I rubbed my arms for warmth. Only a little can be felt. Ben noticed and wrapped his arm around and suddenly I was more warm. My chapped lips broke into a grin and we stopped a meter away, facing the Resistance.

"Why are you guys here? Shouldn't you be back at your base doing something good?" Ben shouted through the wind.

I was too scared to face the group, I was hiding behind his back, hoping no one from the Resistance would notice.

"We've come to find what's ours. Ben." A feminine voice called out. I recognized the voice instantly, General Leia.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Now answer me with a valid reason."

"Just give us back Bella from the fortress. Then all of this would be over." Finn called out.

"Really.. So what if she was here right now?"

"As part of the Dark Side? That's impossible. Bella wouldn't have done that." Leia said.

"Okay then. Bella. Come out." He turned his head, gesturing me.

"It's okay Bella. I'm here with you." He whispered.

I took a deep breath and moved beside him and took of my hood. Revealing myself to everyone in the Resistance.


Hello guys! Sorry if the update was abut slow, I had some finals and midterms this week. Along with next week, so hopefully the updates will come in faster.

Hope you guys liked it! ^^

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