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It had been several weeks since I'd joined the Dark Side, and it wasn't great. Just more overwhelming than what I had expected.

Hardcore training to the point where I'll pass out. Early routine. Almost no time to eat.

Although there were some good sides to it: learning new skills, a better room, more variety of clothing to wear, and more that I don't know.

I was in the training room, fighting once again with Kylo. This time he wasn't wearing his dark suit like he normally does.

He was wearing sweatpants and a white shirt, like a normal person. While I, well, dressed the same as him.

Kylo charged at me and I held my light saber tightly, holding it in an defensive way. He was now a feet away from me and I took the chance to run and our light sabers met within a few seconds.

We stared at each other and I got the chance to knee him in the thigh.

He groaned and collapsed on the floor, yelling out curse words. "You need to stop doing that!" He gritted through his teeth.

"Well I have to defend myself, don't I? I mean this is training."

"But still pick some other way!"

"So if I kneed you in your jewels, would that make you feel better?"

"No!" He shook his head through the pain. "That would make it much worse!"

"Than what could I do then?" I said as I turned off my light saber and crossed my arms.

"You can fight with a light saber like a normal person would." He said as he clutched his thigh and rocked himself back and forth.

"Oh please. Everyone uses self defense even if they don't have a light saber."

"Oh shut up Calway."

I was silent for a moment and looked into his eyes. "Make me." I squinted at him.

Before I could do anything, he swung his feet under mine and I tripped and he rolled on top of me. His hands pinning mine against the floor. Our faces an inch away from each other.

I was silent and a bit scared. Why is he so close to me?!

"I made you shut up. You're welcome." He smiled at me.

My face was emotionless but I melted a bit inside and then I couldn't help but turn red.

His smile dropped and stared at me. I was frozen. Is he going to kill me?

"Why are you turning red?" He asked raising a brow.

"I'm not." I lied. Gosh, I'm embarrassed.

"Yes you are." He let go of my hands and touched my cheeks. I flinched under his sudden touch.

"Stop touching me and let me go." I said avoiding his eyes.

"How can I when you're turning red and hot like my light saber?" He smirked.

I really hated it when he smirks. It's just.. you know what I mean.

"Shut up Kylo." I said covering my cheeks.

"Make me." He said as he slyly smiled.

I was thinking with no thought and before I knew it.

My lips were on his.


:) Hello guys!:)

I'm sorry if the chapter is so short, but you know my ideas aren't coming out as much today and I have an appointment in about fifteen minutes so why not?

I have reached 2k+ views and 100+ votes! OMG YOU GUYS THANK YOU FOR SUCH AN ACHIEVEMENT!

*blows kisses and sends virtual cookies to everyone*

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