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I turned around, and saw a storm trooper jogging towards me. Just when I was about to leave this fortress..

Oh great. Just when I was about to have my freedom.

"Bella! You left something in your room."

Then how come he haven't gave whatever I left to me? I was suspicious. He must be really lazy or he was probably playing a trick on me.

"If I had left something. Shouldn't you have given it to me?" I questioned, my eyebrows raised. I crossed my arms on my chest.

The storm trooper stood silent for a moment before talking.

"Look, if you want to leave quickly, you have to retrieve the item you left." The storm trooper pointed down the hallway. "So please." He persuaded.

I rolled my eyes and threw my hands up with defense. "Fine."

I stepped back from the exit and went back to my room, wondering what I had left. After walking through the crowded hallway once again, I stopped in front of my room. Staring blankly at the door, I thought of the possible item.

However, I shrugged it off and pressed the button, that slid the door open. I looked inside my room which was dimly lit. I looked around in confusion, I remembered that I left the lights on.

The door behind me closed and I jumped.

Ugh. These doors shouldn't close automatically.

I turned the lights on and saw something on my cot. It was my light saber.

How could I forget my light saber? I must have been busy the other one, that I had forgot it.

I walked toward it but before I could even touch it. I was slammed into the wall. Hard.

I yelped in pain. There was something holding onto my neck and I couldn't move at all. My eyes were closed, but something was telling me to open them.

I slowly opened my eyes with caution and saw a helmet-less Kylo, eyes full of frustration. He breathed heavily then he let go of my neck but instead he pressed himself against me. His breath lightly brushing my cheek as I turned away from him.

"What do you want?" I said softly.

"Don't leave." He said softly. His breath continuing to brush against my cheek. I shivered and tried not to cry.

"Why shouldn't I?" This time I was looking at him, fearless. He was still staring at me until he continued.

"You belong here. Not with the Resistance."

"Why?" I asked sternly. How could I not belong with the Resistance? I wasn't cruel to anybody, was I?

He gulped. "Your skills are too much for the Resistance."

That did not make any sense. No absolute way. Even if you were as skillful as Luke Skywalker, he would be in the Resistance, would he?

"So? I still belong to the Resistance instead of the Dark Side."

"No, trust me. You are very skillful and should be part of the Dark Side."

"You said I wasn't skillful before and now you're telling me that I'm so skillful that I should join the Dark Side?! How does that even make sense?!" My voice had risen a bit.

Kylo flinched, and looked at me expressionless.

"Just join the Dark Side. Please."


Tears began to fall from my eyes. I looked down embarrassed. This was the first time I had sobbed in front of Kylo. I tried to wipe my eyes but my hand had no room to move. Instead I was forcefully grabbed by the chin. 

I looked painfully into his eyes. His brown doe, expressionless eyes once again. I cried even more.

He used his hand to wipe the tears off my face and continued as more dripped down. It seemed like he was okay with it, like it was normal. I thought he would just behead me. Like a normal villain would do.

"Bella." He cupped my face with his hands. I couldn't help but stare at his attractive yet painful face. "Join the Dark Side." He said sternly.

"I can't, Kylo. I don't want to." I shook his hands off of my face and my body shook with anger. I can't let him manipulate me like this.


"I just can't. Okay?! When will you understand this?! No means no!" I beat my fists against his chest repeatedly until he caught both of my wrists.

My vision was blurred, which was good. His face was not clear. But as soon as my vision cleared. I saw his face.

He was staring at me intently. With some feeling in his eyes. Anger? Irritation? I didn't know with his expressionless face.

We both stared at each other in silence, waiting for the next thing to happen.


Ooh, such cliffhanger~ I had a few brain farts while writing this chapter but I had finally finished and I'm so proud of myself that I should get a cookie. Which I can't because I ran out. :((

Well I hope you guys liked this chapter and make sure to vote and/or comment! ^^

Thank you guys and have a nice day!

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