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I was in the control room with Ben, Hux, and Phasma. Talking - well arguing - to one another. It was basically an argument between Hux and Ben. Again.

Phasma and I looked awkwardly at the both of them.

"No! We can't do that yet! Are you dumb or what?" Ben said as he slammed his fists against the wall.

I flinched a bit, even though I had been with together him for about two months. Hux and Phasma somehow stood without flinching, possibly because they were used to his tantrums.

"Kylo." He said, pinching the bridge of his nose. "We have to. Now is the time."

"Shut up Hux.. You don't know a thing." Ben said, his fists still on the dented wall.

Hux stood there silently and took deep breaths.

"You know what. I'm done." Hux said calmly and left the control room. I turned and Phasma followed after him.

It was only me and Ben.

"Ben." I said walking towards him with a bit of caution. "Are you okay?"

I heard him take heavy breaths and then he turned around.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine." He walked past me and out the control room. The door shutting loudly.

The whole room was silent. I stared at his figure out the window and was worried. I didn't know what he was so frustrated about, last time he was this frustrated, he couldn't find me in the fortress.

I sighed and and walked out of the room, avoiding the looks of the workers in the room. As the door shuts behind me, some storm troopers stopped and looked at me, like I was the reason that made him frustrated.

Instead of avoiding their gaze, I looked straight into their helmet-covered eyes. Expecting something else, they instead broke their gaze and walked away uneasy.

Were they afraid of me?

I groaned and walked down the hallway, looking for Ben. As I walked the hallways got emptier and emptier.

As I walked, I heard voices from a room. I turned to my left and saw a huge door.

Instead of minding my own business, I put my ear on the door and listened. The sounds were faint, close to silence but I can make out: Resistance and bomb.

Resistance and bomb.

I tried to think of the possibility of them together. Wait.

Were they, going to bomb the Resistance?

No they can't be. I thought they would just ignore them until something happened. I moved myself away from the door and leaned against the wall.

They were going to bomb everyone in the Resistance. All of them. Finn, Rey, Poe.. Leia.

I blinked back the tears and before I could do anything, the door to the room opened.

Ben was there. He turned to me, surprised with his eyes widened. Tears had finally fall from my eyes.

"Y-You're trying to destroy the Resistance!" I yelled at him. I pointed my finger at him.

He shook his head and his hands waved in front of him.

"No. No. Bella, it's not what you think! I w-"

"No! You're trying to kill my family! You promised me that you wouldn't!"

"Bella! If you can just let m-"

"No! I don't want to hear anything else from your lying mouth." Tears had stopped, like I had let them all out. "I-I thought you loved me."

My heart broke in half, like scissors cutting strings - the hole gets wider and wider until it splits.

I saw the hurt look in his eyes. But I didn't care, I walked away and locked myself in my room. Not speaking to anyone but myself.


Ooh.. Well this is awkward.

Anyway, I hope you like this chapter! And if you haven't yet, please comment if you want a teen fiction or young adult fiction in the Author's Note chapter. Details will be explained there.

Hope you guys have a wonderful day and may the force be with you~

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