Chapter 17 Storn Cass

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Chapter 17

Storn Cass

Planet: Karus

We had escaped the gargantuan creature and left his giant tree dwelling behind us. We had once again cautiously made our way through the forest and now we had reached the base of the razor sharp foothills known as the black mountains. I had once again picked up the trail of footprints and been following them through the forest, Elia had kept pace with me but the Prince had been lagging behind us.

“Which way now” Said Elia as she stood beside me and viewed the jet black craggy rocks.

“We keep trying to follow the trail of prints” I respond

“But why would they be ascending the black mountains.” Asked the Prince breathing heavily as he caught up with us

“Probably to escape from something” I suggest

“How many footprints are you now tracking?” Asks the Prince as he surveys the bottom of the mountain and the surrounding vegetation.

“Two sets maybe three.” I surmise as I study the ground

“My father better still be alive.” States the Prince

 “Ok, let us scale these highlands, and keep a watch out for any openings and monsters, especially any that fly.” I announce

As we pace warily up the slight elevation the black rocks beneath our feet crumble with every step and cause our boots to slip back with every stride. Progress is sluggish, when I get the chance to grab on to a rock jutting out of the mountain side to steady my swaying body it just crumbles at the touch of my hand and causes me to tumble to my knees. Elia and the Prince are already struggling to keep up with me and are slipping and collapsing with every other step. I make my way back down the slope to help them.

“There’s a ship.” Shouts Elia as I reach my hand down to pull her up towards me

“It’s a Tyvorian vessel.” Explains the Prince who is just below Elia position on the mountain

I glance round to see a Tyvorian craft landing in the distance, right in the middle of the plains in full view of the black mountains and its shadows.

“Looks like Tyran 7, I thought they had turned that transport into scrap metal long ago.” I observe

“What are they doing here?” Asked the Prince

“Probably looking for you or your father, or dropping off another party of exiles.” I respond

“Exiles, I’ll avenge my Mothers laws.” Responds the Prince

“Who would be sent to find the Prince?” Questions Elia

“I don’t know but they need to get to cover quickly.” I answer as the cliff beneath me starts to shake more and more violently

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